Wealth One Bank of Canada profile, discussions, and reviews

Website: https://www.wealthonebankofcanada.com
Headquarters: North York, Ontario
Parent company: n/a
Credit union? No
Available to Quebec residents? No
Founded in: 2016

Savings account rate history

GIC rate history

Disclaimer: Although our best efforts are made, the information posted on this website is not guaranteed to be accurate. Please visit their website for authoritative information.

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Wealth One Bank of Canada

Wealth One Increases GIC Rates

May 3, 2024
8:42 am by

March 25, 2025
11:14 am by


Wealth One Bank of Canada

Any Chinese New Year GIC promo this year ?

January 11, 2023
8:18 am by

February 5, 2025
3:52 pm by


Wealth One Bank of Canada

Transfer Limits

January 14, 2025
8:15 am by

January 20, 2025
11:14 am by


Wealth One Bank of Canada


November 1, 2024
11:03 am by

November 24, 2024
3:50 pm by


Wealth One Bank of Canada

Serious allegations

September 6, 2024
7:30 am by

October 22, 2024
11:38 am by


7 Reviews »

  1. Customer service: Rated 4 / 5 stars

    Account features: Rated 2 / 5 stars

    Interest rates (consistency and amount): Rated 5 / 5 stars

    Fees: Rated 5 / 5 stars

    Interface (online, telephone, in-person, etc.): Rated 5 / 5 stars

    How long have you banked with them?: 5 years

    Why do you bank with them?: Interest rates on cash and GIC

    What do you like about this bank / credit union?: I never hear from them and if i need something it gets done quickly. The phone is answered by a human.

    What could be improved about this bank / credit union?: Hours could be extended

    General comments: Generally good, better service than RBC

    Review by Dave — February 15, 2025 @ 5:18 pm

  2. Customer service: Rated 1 / 5 stars

    Account features: Rated 1 / 5 stars

    Interest rates (consistency and amount): Rated 5 / 5 stars

    Fees: Rated 2 / 5 stars

    Interface (online, telephone, in-person, etc.): Rated 1 / 5 stars

    How long have you banked with them?: Over a year

    Why do you bank with them?: Froze all government pension deposits for 10 days, Recently closed all accounts.

    What do you like about this bank / credit union?: High interest rate, GIC nothing else to like

    What could be improved about this bank / credit union?: Don't lock up government pensions, interac request feature, significant customer service improvements.

    General comments: I would suggest you find another bank

    Review by Jan Älsen — December 15, 2024 @ 12:49 pm

  3. Customer service: Rated 1 / 5 stars

    Account features: Rated 1 / 5 stars

    Interest rates (consistency and amount): Rated 1 / 5 stars

    Fees: Rated 1 / 5 stars

    Interface (online, telephone, in-person, etc.): Rated 1 / 5 stars

    How long have you banked with them?: Two years

    Why do you bank with them?: Mortgage

    What do you like about this bank / credit union?: Its a B lender bank

    What could be improved about this bank / credit union?: Their policies and interest rate adjustment.

    General comments: Please careful dealing with this bank. They have lot of hidden charges and once you get a loan you are not able to move the move loan. You can't payoff the mortgage even at maturity date. When I moved my mortgage at the time of maturity to another bank, they still charge me interest. When I asked they have so many hidden rules. Please stay away from this corrupt bank.

    Review by sabu Simon — May 16, 2024 @ 9:18 pm

  4. Customer service: Rated 1 / 5 stars

    Account features: Rated 3 / 5 stars

    Interest rates (consistency and amount): Rated 5 / 5 stars

    Fees: Rated 5 / 5 stars

    Interface (online, telephone, in-person, etc.): Rated 1 / 5 stars

    How long have you banked with them?: Was considering moving my savings and opening a GIC from Simplii to WealthOne but the customer service was horrid and didn’t inspire any confidence

    Why do you bank with them?: I don’t think I will

    What do you like about this bank / credit union?: I was attracted to the no fee, high interest savings and GIC offerings

    What could be improved about this bank / credit union?: Much better customer service

    General comments: If I would have received a more sophisticated and friendly response from the agent to my questions I would have started accounts.

    Review by Pamela Mae — January 11, 2024 @ 8:50 am

  5. Customer service: Rated 3 / 5 stars

    Account features: Rated 2 / 5 stars

    Interest rates (consistency and amount): Rated 5 / 5 stars

    Fees: Rated 5 / 5 stars

    Interface (online, telephone, in-person, etc.): Rated 2 / 5 stars

    How long have you banked with them?: Still waiting for the accounts to be opened after 2 weeks

    Why do you bank with them?: Mainly for a reasonable GIC interest rate.

    What do you like about this bank / credit union?: So far nothing impressive to report on.

    What could be improved about this bank / credit union?: Online account opening process very painful, unless you can walk in to their office I guess. after 2 weeks and providing all the material, they still haven't setup the account in a useable state. Most banks do it in 2 days at most.

    General comments: One of the phone number they provide is an answering machine. The other is not always answered / or answered by the same person and always promise to get the "assigned/person" to take followup action, but so far it hasn't happened. External account linking for funds transfer is only done manually by them making it very lengthy and painful and only for checking accounts. If you have other options/banks, this bank is probably not the best choice and best avoided unless you have a lot of patience and time at hand !

    Review by B — May 31, 2023 @ 5:30 am

  6. Customer service: Rated 3 / 5 stars

    Account features: Rated 2 / 5 stars

    Interest rates (consistency and amount):

    Fees: Rated 4 / 5 stars

    Interface (online, telephone, in-person, etc.): Rated 2 / 5 stars

    How long have you banked with them?: One year

    Why do you bank with them?: High interest rates; office nearby with parking (Richmond BC); promise of free mailed monthly statements (which was broken); running out of CDIC room after leaving ING

    What do you like about this bank / credit union?: Having local office and parking

    What could be improved about this bank / credit union?: Better staff training; more helpful attitude and less "Take it or leave it"; automated telephone banking; keep web site and printed brochures/info sheets updated and consistent.

    General comments: Very amateurish operation. One easily can imagine showing up at their tiny rented office rooms and finding them empty. Their web site and flyer has out-of-date branch locations more than a year after the most recent moved. Local rep was very helpful when I signed up, national customer service line rude and dismissive.

    Review by RetirEd — December 2, 2021 @ 4:49 pm

  7. Customer service:

    Account features:

    Interest rates (consistency and amount): Rated 5 / 5 stars


    Interface (online, telephone, in-person, etc.): Rated 3 / 5 stars

    How long have you banked with them?: Just signed up.

    Why do you bank with them?: GIC interest rate.

    What do you like about this bank / credit union?: Easy to setup an account.

    What could be improved about this bank / credit union?: Security. 1) The WO app encourages users to save their login credentials on their cell phone. That is insane. 2) They need to add 2FA.

    General comments: Pros: Good GIC rates. Simple fast signup. Cons: Security could be improved.

    Review by M. — December 19, 2018 @ 10:20 am

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