2:55 pm
October 21, 2013
When I typed in the URL for highinterestsavings.ca just now, I got some paid ads in the search results, as one might expect. The first one was for www. getzenbanx. ca , with headline of 1.5% interest (I have deliberately broken up the address so that readers will not get an automatic link, for your protection, as I really don't know what it is.)
This is not a remarkable rate, but I did wonder what this institution might be. I find the name almost comical. I guess it's for those who want to "getz" some money.
I didn't click on it, as I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. Not listed with CDIC, and nothing much if you just google it. Perhaps it's just one of those links that leads you to another site, such as a rate broker, but why hide your name?
I'm curious if anyone knows anything about this.
3:07 pm
April 6, 2013
It's ZenBanx Canada. They are the ones with that multi-currency account.
Looks like they have a special offer on right now in which one can buy US$250 for CAD$250.
There was a discussion about them here last month at General financial discussion | ZenBanx.
4:55 pm
October 21, 2013
" Customer must have a ZenBanx account in good standing and have started their application by August 3.
Customer can exchange up to $250 Canadian into $250 U.S. in a single or one time only transaction on August 3.
The transfer will take place at our posted (not promotional) exchange rate and not the 1:1 exchange rate. A credit to reflect the difference between the prevailing exchange rate at the time of the exchange and the 1 CAD = 1 USD will be posted by no more than 3 to 5 business days after August 3, 2015.
Should your account set-up be delayed for circumstances beyond your control, ZenBanx will still honour this promotion until August 17."
Too bad the maximum is $250.
Please write your comments in the forum.