4:21 pm
January 12, 2019

When it comes to things 'Computer & The Internet', I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I'm posting this enquiry . . .
With so much of our financial activity being done on the internet now, I'm wondering if it would be wise to consider a VPN. This is a brief explanation of what it's about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network.
One of many recent articles on the subject ⬇
What say you ❓
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
5:13 pm
April 6, 2013

5:51 pm
February 4, 2017

I've used a VPN service for many years. A vpn does assign you their IP address to the outside world. Your ISP will know there is traffic in/out at your address but they will have no idea what it is because said traffic is encrypted.
Regarding banking or sites utilizing https a vpn adds another layer of encryption to the already encrypted https connection. That only happens between the vpn and you. Traffic between the bank and vpn relies soley on the bank's httpS.
There has been one report of a vpn server being hacked and user's details put at risk. This was Nord vpn. Do not use free vpn services for banking. Do not use Tor for anything sensitive. There has been many reports of shady exit nodes accessing data.
The good news is that most websites are using httpS. Even highinterestsavings.
4:33 am
November 8, 2018

This article gives different opinion on the topic of personal VPN: You Probably Don't Need a VPN.
The article starts with:
You probably don't need a VPN. Despite all the marketing from VPN companies that you should pay them for a virtual private network to use from your home internet and, especially, from public wifi, most Americans may be better off not paying for a commercial VPN, according to multiple security experts.
The underlying reason: The internet is a very different landscape in 2021 than it was 10 or even five years ago.
It also raises very good question one must answer before deciding for or against personal VPN:
"A good question to ask yourself is: do I trust my VPN company more than my ISP to handle the data of which sites I navigate to?"
5:11 am
March 30, 2017

For me, I use a VPN so Rogers can not track my activities. However I turn off my VPN when I access banks for the trust reason mentioned. Also some sites will not work properly if you are behind a VPN.
If you dont torrent at all or dont mind ur service provider tracking the sites you go to, there is no need of a VPN.
9:54 am
April 14, 2021

Alexandre said
This article gives different opinion on the topic of personal VPN: You Probably Don't Need a VPN.
Very informative. Thanks.
8:47 pm
November 18, 2017

I agree that most people probably don't need a VPN. But ProtonVPN is a free service run by very reliable people devoted to internet security and privacy. Only the government of the country they operate in can order them to divulge the address of a VOP user, and they have lots of countries to choose from. Proton is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and having used some of their facilities for the past three years I can opine (understand the limits of that endorsement, please!) that they are savvy, aware and not abusive.
But I would still not use any financial services (other than information gathering like this site) on-line. You're also betting on the quality of the security people at the financial institutions you deal with, and the track record for most of those is poor. You won't know which until they fail, but there have been a LOT of security failures already.
10:13 am
January 12, 2019

" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
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