6:49 am
April 2, 2018

Received email regarding 'Optical Disc Drives Price Fixing Class Action'.
Is this new type of spam and/or phishing attempt or legitimate email?
Send us mail:
Canadian Optical Disc Drives Class Action
c/o RicePoint Administration Inc.
P.O. 3355
London, ON N6A 4K3
Reach us by email:
Call our toll free number:
6:57 am
April 6, 2013

There has been a recent settlement:
CBC: Sony, Pioneer, Toshiba among optical disc drive makers settling $29.7M Canadian class action
The CBC story refers to this web site: https://oddclassaction.com
November 14, 2022 is the deadline to submit a claim. $20 claim requires no proof of purchase between 2004 to 2010.
7:31 am
September 30, 2017

8:55 am
April 6, 2013

9:37 am
December 12, 2009

10:56 am
April 6, 2013

11:24 am
December 12, 2009

Norman1 said
The computer has to have an optical drive. Like a CD, DVD, or Blu-ray drive.Hard drives don't count towards eligibility for this optical drive class action settlement.
Oh, oops, I thought optical drives meant hard drives in this case. Fair enough. Fortunately, I have purchased a desktop computer and maybe a laptop computer during that period which had an optical CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
Nonetheless, it is an undocumented claim, and it is highly unlikely the Claims Administrator would request additional information on an undocumented claim. I've never been contacted in past claims, nor have I encountered anyone who has.
8:55 pm
April 6, 2013

The "Undocumented Claims" of $20 will be issued soon:
*June 2023 Update*
The Claims Administrator has completed all necessary reviews of Undocumented Claims and is preparing the distribution of payments. Payments will be sent in June 2023.
Approved Documented Claims will be paid as soon as practicable after claim evaluations and any appeals are completed.
3:57 am
February 7, 2019

8:34 am
December 7, 2011

Today received this email:
Your $20.00 Undocumented Claim in the Canadian Optical Disc Drives class action is approved.
This is an advance notification that your payment will be issued via Interac e-Transfer very shortly.
The Sender of the Interac e-Transfer will be either: (1) Optical Disc Drives Settlement, or (2) Computershare Trust Company.
If you do not have auto deposit set up with your financial institution, you will require a security answer to complete the Interac e-Transfer transaction.
As a reminder, your security answer is: xxxxxxxx
Please see http://www.oddclassaction.com for more information.
RicePoint Administration Inc.
Claims Administrator
10:03 am
September 30, 2017

2:54 pm
April 2, 2018

Be aware if you are depositing $20 to CIBC it will NOT work as CIBC does not accept password made of digits only. Rep advised to either have autodeposit set (and request etransfer to be re-send) or to fill up some kind of form to resolve this issue. He said MANY, MANY customers complained 🙂 and he new exactly who is sending money and how much without me going into details 🙂 🙂
Problem solved - deposited at Tangerine with no fuss at all.
4:59 am
March 30, 2017

pooreva said
Be aware if you are depositing $20 to CIBC it will NOT work as CIBC does not accept password made of digits only. Rep advised to either have autodeposit set (and request etransfer to be re-send) or to fill up some kind of form to resolve this issue. He said MANY, MANY customers complained 🙂 and he new exactly who is sending money and how much without me going into details 🙂 🙂
Problem solved - deposited at Tangerine with no fuss at all.
Set up auto deposit is fast and easy and have nothing to lose. It’s 1 way money flow (deposit only), not like they can withdraw without consent.
10:59 am
September 29, 2017

savemoresaveoften said
Set up auto deposit is fast and easy and have nothing to lose. It’s 1 way money flow (deposit only), not like they can withdraw without consent.
I would add that setting up Interac auto-deposit is the safest thing you can do for Interac. This way, even if you email or text is compromised, deposits cannot be intercepted.
Otherwise, the person sending you money has to send you an email or text with a security question and you have to know or be given the answer. These can and have been intercepted before, so that deposit can be directed to ANY bank account.
TIP: if you need to set up auto-deposit to different accounts, you will need a unique email address for each account. This is simple with gmail... just add .@gmail.com or use extra periods in your email address when you register it with Interac, e.g. myemail@gmail.com can be myemail+savings@gmail.com or my.email@gmail.com. In both cases, any emails using these designations still end up in your same inbox.
11:19 am
April 6, 2013

smayer97 said
I would add that setting up Interac auto-deposit is the safest thing you can do for Interac. This way, even if you email or text is compromised, deposits cannot be intercepted.
Not true. Once your e-mailbox or SMS on your phone is hacked, the hacker can change the bank account for Interac auto-deposits to that e-mail address or SMS phone number. I explained how that can be done a while back.
2:56 pm
September 29, 2017

Norman1 said
smayer97 said
I would add that setting up Interac auto-deposit is the safest thing you can do for Interac. This way, even if you email or text is compromised, deposits cannot be intercepted.
…Not true. Once your e-mailbox or SMS on your phone is hacked, the hacker can change the bank account for Interac auto-deposits to that e-mail address or SMS phone number. I explained how that can be done a while back.
Yes, good point and insight. BTW, this makes me realize that this also means that ANY email that is hacked can be set up with auto-deposit directed to a hacker's account of choice, without the email owners knowledge, because the hacker can simply delete the confirming INTERAC set-up emails. This means that if your email or text is hacked either before or after auto-deposit is set up, this is vulnerable. Hmmm....
That said, if there is provable fraud involved and it cannot be attributed to negligence by the official recipient, banks CAN and HAVE reversed transactions. Of course, the details matter.
That suggests that the way to maximize the security of INTERAC as it stands is to NOT use auto-deposit, have the recipient send a request for funds, use secure Q&A, get notified ahead of time when payment is being executed, and process the deposit manually as soon as possible. This keeps all parties informed of the transaction as it is taking place and minimized interception. Of course, this takes away from much of the convenience and therefore can be highly impractical.
Hmmm, not what I had fully considered.
Please write your comments in the forum.