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Ontario 'bribe' of $200
January 30, 2025
4:34 pm
Forum Posts: 142
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January 25, 2024
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I tried to see when will I get my bribe.
Service ON requires you to create account on their site first. (WHY?)
It clearly says 'Step 3: Renewal reminders optional' but unfortunately will NOT get you pass GO to collect $200 if you do NOT select at least one 'renewal reminder'.
Way to go ON.
Not to mention mumbo-jumbo they do not keep your data but somebody else is keeping it and will exchange data, blah, blah, blah.
Maybe I am too dumb to open that account...

January 30, 2025
4:50 pm
Forum Posts: 1070
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Where does it say you need a Service Ontario account? As far as I am aware you should have filed your taxes to be eligible, that is all.

Our cheques arrived a couple of days ago.

January 30, 2025
4:57 pm
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Service Ontario account is not a requirement, but you will need to create it if you want to know status of your cheque.

Just saw in the news: they only mailed half of all cheques yet.
Keep checking your mailbox.

January 31, 2025
12:23 am
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That this bribe is being processed after the writ has been dropped seems quite unethical in my opinion. Even when you receive your bribe, you have to hope RBC didn't screw it up.... Canada's biggest bank bungles another task.

January 31, 2025
1:06 am
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Alexandre said
Service Ontario account is not a requirement, but you will need to create it if you want to know status of your cheque.

I went through that process of setting up the Service Ontario account to find out when the bribes would arrive. Just for fun.

The My Account process is kinda messy. Very poor design. But I did get it done eventually.

So, followed the path to where one could determine when they'd arrive in my mailbox. Got to a page with a phone number to dial. Laugh No 1.

Called the number. "Please call back if you don't receive your $200 by Feb 15." Laugh No 2.

Somebody actually got paid to set this up ...

Daughter and partner got their cheques Monday. My wife yesterday. Mine today?

Now trying to decide which opposition party to donate to ...

January 31, 2025
4:43 am
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When I first set Service Ontario account, rebate status was something worded as "Mailed."

Since then, I deposited cheque. Checked Service Ontario account today, its status changed to "Cashed. The cheque has been deposited"

January 31, 2025
7:23 am
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CAD said
I tried to see when will I get my bribe.
Service ON requires you to create account on their site first. (WHY?)
It clearly says 'Step 3: Renewal reminders optional' but unfortunately will NOT get you pass GO to collect $200 if you do NOT select at least one 'renewal reminder'.
Way to go ON.
Not to mention mumbo-jumbo they do not keep your data but somebody else is keeping it and will exchange data, blah, blah, blah.
Maybe I am too dumb to open that account...  

Setting up an account also allows u to setup reminder for driver license, plat permit and health card renewal. I don't see any downside why one don't want to set an account up.

January 31, 2025
7:51 am
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savemoresaveoften said
Setting up an account also allows u to setup reminder for driver license, plat permit and health card renewal. I don't see any downside why one don't want to set an account up.  

I actually had those setup some time ago without an account. Emails have been coming for a few years ...

But I did create an account yesterday only to end up with a phone number to call if I don't get a cheque by Feb 15 ...

January 31, 2025
12:15 pm
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Well, the conservatives that are usually better than this have taken a page out of the liberal handbook perhaps they are really liberal light as they are being accused of
You will only get the $200 per child if you collect Canadian child benefit, which is income tested
I’ve always had a bone to pick with the liberal government because my coworker who has said no to every Saturday gets child tax benefit and if I say yes to 48 Saturdays, I get slapped across the face and they roll me right out of child tax benefits, which are tax-free Meanwhile I’m taxed at 50% on my overtime.
Now the conservatives are doing the same thing shame on them!!
Under Harper, every person was treated equal $100 per child per month, but the dirty secret was it’s income it’s taxable which is actually fair if you’re a higher learner you’ll pay 50% in tax back whereas if you only make 30,000 you’re probably not paying any tax, but at least everyone feels like they’re paid the same and fairly
This picking and choosing based on income is no good because they have no metric to know how much overtime one person turns down or how much another person has earned through a second job if your productivity and output is higher, you shouldn’t be slapped across the face
No government anywhere in any party should be able to change any policy or change any rebate schedule in the last year of their term or within a year of them calling an election it should be made illegal .. I’m conservative in nature, but part of being conservative would be never to hand out $200 to everyone when we’re running large deficits and have a debt to pay. People that are suffering that badly. It only moves D-Day out from a Tuesday to a Friday. It doesn’t change the situation. A bribe 100%

January 31, 2025
3:12 pm
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savemoresaveoften said
Setting up an account also allows u to setup reminder for driver license, plat permit and health card renewal. I don't see any downside why one don't want to set an account up.  

Not correct.
You can get those notification (I have them for years) just providing license and/or health card numbers (+ few more data).
I do not see a point to create ANOTHER 'government' account to be breached and data stolen.
As few people mentioned how it is Ridiculous to 'check' on line for $200 and to be told 'call us'... Duh...

And this IS a BRIBE. As per web site:
'The Ontario government is providing a $200 taxpayer rebate in 2025, which will give immediate relief for Ontario families in the face of high interest rates and the federal carbon tax.'
Based on that ALL people in other provinces are doing very good, rest of Canada has NO high interest rates nor are slapped with carbon tax so they do not need any handouts? If this handout is REALLY to help Canadians and not only ON shouldn't that be on a federal level????

January 31, 2025
4:27 pm
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cgouimet said

But I did create an account yesterday only to end up with a phone number to call if I don't get a cheque by Feb 15 ...  

I am going to guess that means your cheque has not been mailed yet. Check again in a day or two, you might see status changed.

February 1, 2025
1:22 am
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It's an attempt to bribe, but not really a good one. Harper tried it before his last, failed, election, by increasing the TFSA contribution to 10K. It's a well worn election gimmick. I don't know if it ever really works. They must think we're really not very bright - and maybe some of us aren't. Every adult will get it, including billionaires, MPPs, and, of course, Ford and his wife, kids, etc. - poor things.

February 1, 2025
4:14 am
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Harper balanced the budget and offered people an incentive to earn, save and invest more and become self sufficient without being taxed on already taxed money. His government is the reason you get to have TFSA in the first place so not all your interest is lost to inflation and taxes.

Ford has a massive deficit and he is bribing people with cash borrowed from future generations just because. The one and only good thing about this bribe: its a one off, simple to administer and isn’t an unfunded commitment for eternity so loved by the federal Liberals and NDP which puts us in a “forever” hole. Not that they are opposed to short term pre-election bribes to grow the deficit and make us even more vulnerable either. Like removing sales taxes on champagne and restaurants.

February 1, 2025
5:39 am
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It's a bribe but treat every Ontarian equally. I guess per others reported, it treats all adult Ontarian equally, as in child bribe is dependent if a family qualifies for child benefit to begin with. Did not follow that part to fact check.

I am also happy to see Trudeau's bribe that has an income cap being shot down.
The rich pays more tax, if anything they deserve it more than those that don't.
Make it taxable and payable to all is what a fair system would be.

February 1, 2025
6:03 am
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savemoresaveoften said
It's a bribe but treat every Ontarian equally. I guess per others reported, it treats all adult Ontarian equally, as in child bribe is dependent if a family qualifies for child benefit to begin with. Did not follow that part to fact check.

I am also happy to see Trudeau's bribe that has an income cap being shot down.
The rich pays more tax, if anything they deserve it more than those that don't.
Make it taxable and payable to all is what a fair system would be.  

In my opinion, anything meant or disguised as some kind of social assistance should be means tested. Otherwise, we're just wasting tax dollars and adding to, or not paying down, our provincial or national debt.

Governments should be spending our tax dollars as effectively as they claim to be.

February 1, 2025
6:06 am
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mordko said
Harper balanced the budget and offered people an incentive to earn, save and invest more and become self sufficient without being taxed on already taxed money. His government is the reason you get to have TFSA in the first place so not all your interest is lost to inflation and taxes.

Ford has a massive deficit and he is bribing people with cash borrowed from future generations just because. The one and only good thing about this bribe: its a one off, simple to administer and isn’t an unfunded commitment for eternity so loved by the federal Liberals and NDP which puts us in a “forever” hole. Not that they are opposed to short term pre-election bribes to grow the deficit and make us even more vulnerable either. Like removing sales taxes on champagne and restaurants.  

This is one of those times when I actually agree with you ... sf-smile sf-laugh

February 1, 2025
6:14 am
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Speaking of taxes, here's a quote from the late great Jack Layton.

"People who don't pay taxes, don't benefit from tax breaks."

February 1, 2025
8:04 am
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mordko said
Harper balanced the budget and offered people an incentive to earn, save and invest more and become self sufficient without being taxed on already taxed money. His government is the reason you get to have TFSA in the first place so not all your interest is lost to inflation and taxes.

Ford has a massive deficit and he is bribing people with cash borrowed from future generations just because. …

Those are false.

The TFSA was introduced by the Harper Conservative government as compensation for a broken election promise about the taxation of income trusts.

Ontario does not have a massive deficit either. A shrinking $6 billion shortfall on a budget of $214 billion per yearr is not massive. That's why S&P Global and DBRS have upgraded Ontario's debt ratings from A+ to AA- and from AA(low) to AA.

February 1, 2025
9:25 am
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Reiterating what I said with a little opinion blah-blah does not make basic facts “false”.

Ending convoluted tax avoidance schemes was the right thing to do just as it was right to introduce a straightforward and transparent saving/investment mechanism for all. The only link was that both were sound policies.

Outdated projection of Ontario deficit at $6.6 billion (that rounds to $7bn if you don’t intend to mislead) for the fiscal year is massive for a province but also false as the “good times”, are about to end and the cost of $3bn bribe isn’t counted. 4.5% is very high, doesn’t account for what’s about to happen, and thats just one level of government.

February 1, 2025
9:43 am
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The basic tax "fairness" debate is nothing new. Consumption taxes cost lower-income individuals a greater proportion of their income, because wealthy individuals keep much of their income unspent. Income taxes try to rebalance that by tiered rates rising with income levels.

Any program that is intended (or said to be intended) to help lower-income individuals should be means-tested - giving assistance funds to those not needing assistance is just throwing money down the debthole.

"Social-darwinist" policies that assume the wealthier deserve to keep all they can get deliberately ignore the advantages wealth gets in getting more wealth. Is there really any social benefit to rewarding those who can gouge and screw more money out of consumers, like monopolistic communications companies, airlines and the like?

Conservatives in Canada and the US support flat taxes and no means texting because those policies make the wealthy more wealthy.

In the US, right now, we are seeing import tariffs - regressive taxes that cost the less wealthy a greater proportion of their income - being applied to enable major income tax cuts and corporate targeted cuts. Consumers pay for tariffs.


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