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My EQ Bank Card compromised
July 4, 2024
5:55 am
Forum Posts: 1230
Member Since:
September 30, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Wake up this morning around 6am, notice email from EQ on two Uber transactions I don't recognized. Found out their live support is not 7x24, even for reporting cards frauds.

To act defensively, I choose to reverse the remaining balance back to my savings account, over locking it completely. Then had to wait until 8 am to file a report.

To initiate the process, you have to make a declaration of some sort that you have not share or leak details that could lead to the card compromise.

Then a new card on its away ... but all else is sent to back-end security team for further investigation.

July 4, 2024
10:03 am
Forum Posts: 316
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April 21, 2022
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I really think EQ should have an optional virtual card number. It may potentially avoid, or reduce the possibility of the physical card number getting compromised. Not something you want to have happen when your traveling, especially internationally where the card excels and is most needed. I have both the Wise and Wealthsimple cards and use their virtual card numbers exclusively for online purchases while also loading the numbers into mobile payments apps.

July 4, 2024
1:27 pm
Forum Posts: 1213
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November 8, 2018
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JohnnyCash said
I really think EQ should have an optional virtual card number.

I've added EQ card to Google Wallet. When I check card settings in Wallet, I see "Virtual Account Number" with explanation "When you tap to pay, your virtual account number is shared with merchant instead of your actual account number. This helps keep your account info safe."

In fact, I see the same for each CC I added to Google Wallet.

July 4, 2024
2:18 pm
Forum Posts: 2959
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March 30, 2017
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Alexandre said

JohnnyCash said
I really think EQ should have an optional virtual card number.

I've added EQ card to Google Wallet. When I check card settings in Wallet, I see "Virtual Account Number" with explanation "When you tap to pay, your virtual account number is shared with merchant instead of your actual account number. This helps keep your account info safe."

In fact, I see the same for each CC I added to Google Wallet.  

Apple wallet works the same way, all vitual wallet will store and present the CC with a virtual acct number is my understanding. The only downside is when it comes to product return, presenting a physical card may not work as they need identical card number match to process.

July 4, 2024
2:42 pm
Forum Posts: 316
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April 21, 2022
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savemoresaveoften said

Apple wallet works the same way, all vitual wallet will store and present the CC with a virtual acct number is my understanding. The only downside is when it comes to product return, presenting a physical card may not work as they need identical card number match to process.  

A device with a payment app that stores a physical card number does indeed convert it to a virtual number, I just out of habit use a virtual number during setup if available, overkill perhaps.

Any way, in respect to returns, I have tapped my phone a number of times and it does process a refund back to the account ,albeit slower than a physical card. The phone payment app displays the last 4 digits of the virtual card number it is using for payments, some merchants might ask for them in certain circumstances.

August 25, 2024
8:41 am
Forum Posts: 1230
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September 30, 2017
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"Payment with a mobile" ... so many jumped on the bandwagon. I'm sitting on the fence for a little longer.

Here's a closing remark to my story. Yesterday, my charge was reversed. As per EQ case email, they determined an error has occurred, without further qualifying the nature of the error. I am happy to say the overall is not a -ve experience.

Hope this helps.

August 25, 2024
9:32 am
Forum Posts: 1104
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November 18, 2017
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With the rate people break, lose or have their phones stolen, concentrating too much of one's line into a hackable appliance still seems very unwise.


August 25, 2024
10:20 am
Forum Posts: 1213
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November 8, 2018
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hwyc said
Yesterday, my charge was reversed. As per EQ case email, they determined an error has occurred, without further qualifying the nature of the error.

There must be more to that story EQ is not telling. I had EQ card linked to Google Wallet which is linked to Uber app. I used EQ card successfully to pay for Uber rides, through Google Wallet. Last time I tried, EQ card was rejected and I had to choose different card to pay for Uber. I can no longer use EQ card for Uber.
Card itself is fine, active with no unexpected charges.

August 25, 2024
2:57 pm
Forum Posts: 852
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September 29, 2017
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RetirEd said
With the rate people break, lose or have their phones stolen, concentrating too much of one's line into a hackable appliance still seems very unwise.  

People simply do not realize how vulnerable the tech is, in spite of all the so-called security. I work in IT. Many that are also recognize this. OI have found vulnerabilities... even reported them to Apple about a year ago. Even attached an applicable news article the recognized the security gap. Apple simply downplayed the issue and ignored it and to this day, in spite of industry recognition of the problem.

BUT you do not need to understand the tech... just read the many occurrences that are reported in the news. Now stop and think about the many more cases that never make it into the news.

August 25, 2024
4:45 pm
Forum Posts: 51
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January 25, 2024
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hwyc said
"Payment with a mobile" ... so many jumped on the bandwagon.

I did NOT nor will EVER do. I do not want my phone to do ANY payments, unlock my car or whatever. So no sympathy for those who want to be trendy and up-to-date.
You can lose phone in a second. How many times I informed shoppers at grocery store they left or dropped phone while picking vegies or fruits. And how easy is to pick a phone sticking half from a back pocket.

August 25, 2024
11:47 pm
Forum Posts: 9366
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October 21, 2013
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In the last while we have received two Uber restaurant orders that we did not place, although they were from restaurants we have patronized in the past.
We refused the deliveries as we had no use for the food. With a relatively small amount of phone and internet work we got the charges reversed. It made me wonder if this is a common occurrence for Uber, and why. These could not have been "pocket dials" as ordering requires too many steps.

August 29, 2024
5:29 pm
Forum Posts: 721
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March 17, 2018
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Loonie said
In the last while we have received two Uber restaurant orders that we did not place, although they were from restaurants we have patronized in the past.
We refused the deliveries as we had no use for the food. With a relatively small amount of phone and internet work we got the charges reversed. It made me wonder if this is a common occurrence for Uber, and why. These could not have been "pocket dials" as ordering requires too many steps.  

Hopefully you also immediately canceled your card and got a new one.If you have a card with a virtual number available, it's helpful to lock your physical card and only keep your virtual card unlocked since it's easier to change your virtual card after a hack as you don't need to wait for a new card to come in the mail.

August 29, 2024
10:29 pm
Forum Posts: 9366
Member Since:
October 21, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks; will discuss with spouse, whose card was used. I don't know which precautions were taken.

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