4:51 pm
April 26, 2019
5:26 pm
December 12, 2009
GICinvestor said
Today and even before. Why would you want to touch a Keypad or Gas Pump Handle? And have you ever seen them being cleaned? Take a close look, put your glasses on......they are disgusting!
A pocket-size bottle of Purell in your pocket is your friend for such situations, regardless of COVID-19. Not sure what it dirtier...ATM or gas pump keypads, the gas pump itself, or the door handles to the service station or bank branch.
11:52 pm
October 21, 2013
For several years we have kept the small, relatively useless, plastic bags such as one gets from a convenience store or are used to contain delivered newspapers on rainy days, in the car to put over hand while using the gas pump; then it is discarded. Initially, we did this to keep the smell of gas off our hands and out of the car.
It all helps.
7:50 am
December 7, 2011
10:52 am
October 17, 2018
All good ideas and practices but the best practice may be to be conscious about not touching your face at all . Hard to do. Was at the grocery store and saw the cashier had gloves on and was scratching her forehead. What good are the gloves anyway if she doesn't change pair for each transaction ? I think they would be safer with a mask instead of gloves.
11:00 am
April 26, 2019
Lots of good ideas.
Gloves only protect the wearer (as long as they don’t touch themselves) and NOT you. Lots of cross contamination on gloves.
My first step is to avoid using ATM machines. I think that can be done with a bit of effort.
Gas pump ideas are good too. We have never bought wipes or hand sanitizers but things have changed.
One thing I do at A&W and Costco. I take quite a few napkins and the vinegar packets and clean the table and seat before the food arrives. I keep some in the car too.
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