Interesting story re furnace rentals - Ontario and Alberta
July 15, 2017
8:06 pm
8:06 pm
Forum Posts: 206
Member Since:
April 7, 2017
April 7, 2017

I was surprised about liens placed on homes that had unscrupulous door to door sales people installing rental heating and cooling products. Was on W5 CBC July 15.
Over view here
July 16, 2017
8:02 am
8:02 am
Forum Posts: 193
Member Since:
January 16, 2017
January 16, 2017

Unbelievable sad stories...
Regarding the liens placed by a FI on such cases, what would/could happen if the monthly payments are not made ? The FI would send someone to pick-up the furnace and piping ? If this solves the problem, I would say come and pick-it up !
It must be a little more complicated than this... so if someone feels like giving education on these kind of liens, that would be appreciated.
Please write your comments in the forum.