11:21 am
January 12, 2019

Here's the latest research ... https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/does-money-buy-you-happiness-researchers-join-forces-to-reveal-the-answer-1.6309893
And now to be sure, I'd like to do my own study. Does anyone have a spare
$Mil I could have ❓
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
1:39 pm
December 26, 2018

3:01 pm
January 28, 2015

Nope ,however having money removes financial stress . Take that out of most relationships and happiness can be had .
Problem is most people on this site are savers ,not spenders. Do you have to spend to be happy?
Personally anything myself and my wife need we get and pay cash and I don't have to worry about money. As I tell my wife is that a need or a want ..LOL
5:43 pm
September 11, 2013

Agreed, money means freedom, and lots of personal freedom seems not to be a prerequisite for everyone's happiness, just for some. For example, there are some people happy following their spouse from store to store around the mall, some are happy centering their days around their pets' needs, some are happy going off to a job even after they could retire, some are happy babysitting grandkids almost every day, etc, i.e. point being lack of personal freedom seems to be what many people actually seek out. So if you don't really care about personal freedom that much then maybe the freedom money brings is not as vital to pursue.
5:20 am
March 30, 2017

There are a lot of things money can buy, but still not everything.
Money may not buy happiness, but also I can safely assume no people will claim they are happy cuz they are poor. That is different from poor people being happy.
I like the quote money buys you personal freedom, but also only within the law.
8:23 am
October 21, 2018

I've been retired for 18 years and have more money to spend than ever before in my life, but there's not much I want to buy that I don't already have. The reason I saved and invested over the years was to be financially independent ASAP. I hated working for someone else and being told what to do, so for me having enough money saved up to be able to quit working was my goal. In summary, a large amount of money to me meant freedom from having to work for it.
As for happiness, getting more stuff doesn't make you happier. Hedonic Adaptation kicks in and you rapidly become used to a new lifestyle and it becomes the new normal. Some people are just naturally unhappy regardless of their financial situation. Others are naturally happy in any case. Trying to appreciate what you have, instead of always wanting more, is the answer to true happiness.
9:23 am
November 7, 2014

There is an old saying that money can't buy happiness, although it is true that it does provide security, to a point. The big kicker here is that, in particular, as you age, your health may have a lot more to say about your happiness than money. If you can manage to have good health and enough money, "enough" being a relative term, then you've got something special. To amend something that Dean says, "be well and prosper." Living long in poor health is not always appreciated.
11:38 am
January 12, 2019

12:03 pm
November 18, 2017

I like freedom.
But some people find choice too stressful. Consumer researchers find that buyers having no choice are stressed, but so are those offered too much choice - too much fear of FOMO!
Ideally, a few clear choices to select among are enough. Look at CHISA's rate tables - a lot of the choices are clustered together so that any one of them are close enough. I will forgo a slight difference on a not-too-large amount to deal with a convenient institution that's treated me well
10:16 am
January 12, 2019

11:23 am
November 7, 2014

11:58 am
October 21, 2013

As the old song goes,
"Happiness is...
Different things to different people..."
11:53 am
January 12, 2019

Speaking of songs (Thanks Loonie ⬆), there's a good one about 'Money' by an Insect Band, from a little island west of Europe . . .
Turn on the Sound and give a listen ➡ https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3428160907418315&ref=sharing
I'm sure most of us Old Fogies here will remember that one.
"Money ... That's What I Want"
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
1:25 pm
September 11, 2013

In the spirit of giving credit, written by founder of Motown, original 1959 recording by Barrett Strong.
11:47 am
December 12, 2009

While it's true that money is often needed to provide flexibility and freedom in pursuing happiness-fulfilling objectives, money itself != happiness. As well, one does not need a lot of money to enable the freedom to pursue happiness-fulfilling objectives. One can live by the principles of frugality + anti-consumerism to provide flexibility within their means to pursue happiness-fulfilling objectives.
10:45 am
January 12, 2019

In addition to the amount of Money you have, it appears that your level of Happiness depends in part on 'Where' you live ... at least according to a
recent UN report :
- CTV News Article ➡ https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/the-world-s-happiest-countries-for-2023-1.6320435
Is Finnish a hard language to learn?
- Dean
Apparently today (March 20th) is 'International Day Of Happiness'
UN Link ➡ https://www.un.org/en/observances/happiness-day#:
Be Happy ❗
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
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