10:31 am
September 11, 2013

11:59 am
April 14, 2021

Dean said
Da 'BEEF' ❗With some of the better cuts costing well over $40/Kg now, the Wife & I have phased out most Beef in our diets. The only exception is lean-ground, and we only buy that when it comes on sale (deep discount) as a loss-leader.
My price limit on beef and other meat is $3/lb, but I can usually get it for $2.10 or even $1, on occasion. If you wait long enough and pay attention to flyers, even some decent roasts and steaks can be found for $3/pound.
4:37 pm
January 12, 2019

Dean said
Da 'BEEF' ❗With some of the better cuts costing well over $40/Kg now, the Wife & I have phased out most Beef in our diets. The only exception is lean-ground, and we only buy that when it comes on sale (deep discount) as a loss-leader.
. . .
. . . And in addition to saving money, there's the 'Health Benefit' upside. We have cut our consumption of red meat ... In Half ❗
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
5:04 pm
December 27, 2020

Bruford said
Of course the Government is to blame, they have the control of the purse strings. Unbridled spending and unlimited free giveaways are the culprits causing inflation. "Just"Inflation will undoubtedly continue his spendthrift ways as people will always vote for a free lunch.
Unfortunately, in these COVID times, businesses can't survive without assistance. The options for Gov't are limited: assist financially or see thousands of businesses go under which would have a catastrophic snowball effect.
Inflation is not limited to Canada - blaming the Gov't is oversimplifying and short-sighted.
12:18 pm
January 12, 2019

Bill said
No worries for you, Dean, Valhalla Mountains sounds like a place you can get some game if you need meat.
Though not as much anymore, but I still hunt grouse & wild turkeys when in season. And the neighbors will often share some of their deer and elk meat
... Mmm-Mmm Good ❗
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
5:55 pm
August 10, 2018

Bobbyjet11 said
Unfortunately, in these COVID times, businesses can't survive without assistance. The options for Gov't are limited: assist financially or see thousands of businesses go under which would have a catastrophic snowball effect.
Inflation is not limited to Canada - blaming the Gov't is oversimplifying and short-sighted.
Your argument is circular in its reasoning. Government absolutely is the vector of prolific spending. The real question is should they have shut down businesses, thereby necessitating the spending they chose to effect. The end result does not justify the means. And it is only the beginning of the tsunami that is headed our way.
7:06 pm
September 11, 2013

From a public health perspective and based on the advice of the medical officials I'm not sure the government originally had any choice about shutting down or restricting businesses and other establishments, did they?
And I suppose they had a choice about the spending to support us and businesses, but with today's spoiled people they really didn't have a choice either because we would have tossed them asap in favour of the parties who advocate unbridled spending as long as needed. So it starts with the people, we elect those who keep the party going no matter how.
3:56 am
August 10, 2018

Bill said
From a public health perspective and based on the advice of the medical officials I'm not sure the government originally had any choice about shutting down or restricting businesses and other establishments, did they?And I suppose they had a choice about the spending to support us and businesses, but with today's spoiled people they really didn't have a choice either because we would have tossed them asap in favour of the parties who advocate unbridled spending as long as needed. So it starts with the people, we elect those who keep the party going no matter how.
Governments absolutely had a choice, it was them, backed by their willing cohorts in big tech and the media that blew this COVID disease way out of proportion. Over 80% of the "victims" of this disease were elderly and/or obese. They could have focused their efforts on those most vulnerable, and educate and allow most others to use hygiene common sense but continue on with their lives.
5:27 am
November 8, 2018

Bruford said
Governments absolutely had a choice, it was them, backed by their willing cohorts in big tech and the media that blew this COVID disease way out of proportion.
There are two objective criteria to evaluate if health system is capable of handling current levels of coronavirus pandemics: availability of ICU beds and availability of ventilators.
When these show decline trend, the government has a window of less than 7-10 days to take more drastic measures before health system could crumble. It is no longer about just COVID: if a person gets a stroke, for example, but there is no ICU bed with ventilator available, that person might die due to inability of a health system to provide adequate care.
Of course, it does not help that in comparison to other countries, Ontario’s rate of total hospital beds per 1,000 people is among the lowest in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Ontario’s occupancy rate is the highest.
5:47 am
September 11, 2013

It was not gov't with willing cohorts that blew this up, what would be their motivation for over-reaction?
It was public health officials, and so-called "science", that properly guided the gov't response, what would politicians know about how to handle a pandemic? And I might agree that (largely unionized) public sector health care bureaucracy, with their allies in media, might have a vested interested in making our lives 24/7 about their sector, tons of dough being thrown their way, unlimited overtime, etc. And maybe that's another reason there's not many ICU beds etc, 9x% of our health care spending goes, as in education, for salaries, benefits and pensions.
10:56 am
February 27, 2018

My one cent.
The province of Ontario has had reduced deficits because of covid. Covid has been a money saver. The health care sector in ontario has stopped pretty well every procedure for the last 2 years. Now, if only we could lay off those unused doctors our budget would be a surplus.
With having little to no treatments or operations (knee, hip, cancer) this has saved ontario billions of tax dollars. The cry of the overworked hospital staff is falling on my deaf ear. Imagine the nerve of being expected to work a full shift? No more 4 hours of nap time on the tax payer's dime?
A worker in the real world can not cry... oh stop the line, I'm entitled to my 2 hours of ass time now. Most businesses (private sector) want to be busy, overly busy because it means, they're making money. Public sector employees expect to be richly rewarded... just because.
This is truly Canadian. My brother in-law (whom i don't like) needed cataract surgery. ontario couldn't do the procedure under ohip because of all the covid restrictions and lockdowns. So he paid $5,000 out of pocket to have it done in a clinic. Canada as a country is so pathetic.
11:04 am
January 12, 2019

11:23 am
February 27, 2018

Dean said
Until you start to compare it with 90+% of the rest of the world.
Dean. I know, you're right.
I have a friend who moved to Germany. I had always held the German's in high regard. Industrial powerhouse, well educated... boy was i wrong. The horror stories out of Germany due to gross incompetence are scary.
1:34 pm
January 12, 2019

Kidd said
Dean. I know, you're right.
I have a friend who moved to Germany. I had always held the German's in high regard. Industrial powerhouse, well educated... boy was i wrong. The horror stories out of Germany due to gross incompetence are scary.

I've never been to Germany, but if you'd ask me . . .
- 'Germany' + 'Gross Incompetence' = 'Oxymoron'
Go Figure,
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
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