10:24 am
September 30, 2017

In case you are waiting for their 1.4% HISA, wyth.ca online now.
Thanks for the heads up! I was waiting for that general availability in order to add it to the comparison chart, which I'll do at some point this week.
11:47 am
October 27, 2013

7:36 am
November 26, 2021

You can avoid providing your other institution's credentials by clicking on the "can't find my bank" link on the side and entering your account credentials.
I did that and they sent me two micro-transactions which upon entering back into Wyth's page successfully linked the external account.
All in all my registration process was OK. I did experience some errors and had to contact support but in a day everything was resolved.
Another thing to mention is that currently their Apple AppStore app has been removed. Even though the site encourages you to use it during registration it's really not an option. Instead you must go through the regular webpage process - which isn't bad.
9:11 am
February 1, 2016

Welcome to the forum john.cray.
Thanks for posting this information. I am in the hunt for additional FI's and have been patiently waiting for Wyth to welcome new members via Internet. Good to know there are options to providing links to external accounts other than signing in from the Wyth account.
6:55 pm
December 12, 2009

Peter said
Thanks for the heads up! I was waiting for that general availability in order to add it to the comparison chart, which I'll do at some point this week.
Thanks. Now that that's done and Concentra Bank now has two HISAs listed in the comparison chart, each from different branded operations, can you also list Peoples Bank of Canada's HISA as a separate entry from the Peoples Trust Company HISA, particularly since Peoples has said all new direct banking products will be launched under the bank subsidiary and because we don't want to be seen as playing favourites or creating double standards? 🙂
1:47 am
January 10, 2021

7:48 pm
October 21, 2013

7:21 am
September 30, 2017

Yes. Joint Accounts may only be held by spouses or common-law partners.
2:05 pm
October 21, 2013

2:52 pm
September 30, 2017

Adding their HISA Features & Fees page (effective December 15, 2021)
Must keep count if you made withdrawals using Interac e-Transfer. There is no warning but fees, if any, will be applied at end of month.
Please write your comments in the forum.