5:35 am
December 20, 2016

speedwagen said
I'd like to start by saying that Wyth has to be the most retarded name for a bank that I've ever heard
Perhaps ill-suited or unbecoming might be more appropriate choice of words.
I have to retrieve a security code every single time I login,
Is the checkbox to "Remember This Device" checked to deposit a cookie on your device?
Anyone have any success linking any acc'ts with it & more specifically,
All my pre-existing linked accounts from the Member Direct platform were successfully migrated.
It's like the new platforms from Crappy Tire & Manulife, which are totally useless,
Agreed! It is mind-boggling that a beta version of a partially functioning platform is released for open use. There seems to be a generation of web designers that carry their childish obsession with video games into platforms intended for mature and serious matters.
Being familiar with beta testing, I have noted several issues with functionality on the WYTH banking platform, but not the issues you have described.
1:02 am
April 9, 2013

Stephen said: All my pre-existing linked accounts from the Member Direct platform were successfully migrated.
I wasn't referring to the external acc'ts previously linked; I was referring to the new function supposedly available to link new acc'ts which uses flincks, which is an external 3rd party server that would link the host server with the external FI's server, whereby you login to the external server & flincks transfers your acc't # etc. to the host server that creates a new external link...comprende?
Any way it's not working for me & I was wondering if anyone else has succeeded in linking external acc'ts or failed to link HSBC.
I have noted several issues with functionality on the WYTH banking platform, but not the issues you have described.
I'm curious to know which issues you've encountered??
As far as the "Remember This Device" checkbox you alluded to, yes it's checked.
In any case, I've got them looking into both issues & they weren't aware of either.
5:06 am
September 7, 2018

Concentra was easy and user friendly. Not the case with "Wyth" - amateur hour right from the start........functionality is clunky and not dependable etc. Weird name (Wyth) and weird to use "online.wyth.ca" to sign in. Edge browser will not work to access site - Chrome will work. There are better FIs to deal with.
5:49 am
September 30, 2017

canadian.100 said
Concentra was easy and user friendly. Not the case with "Wyth" - amateur hour right from the start........functionality is clunky and not dependable etc. Weird name (Wyth) and weird to use "online.wyth.ca" to sign in. Edge browser will not work to access site - Chrome will work. There are better FIs to deal with.
Try using with the protocol qualifier "https:"
I think the default is "http:" (& that won't work)
7:23 am
September 7, 2018

hwyc said
Try using with the protocol qualifier "https:"
I think the default is "http:" (& that won't work)
Yes - thanks - that worked - need to enter it manually in the Search Bar. I had spoken to a Wyth rep and they said "just clear cache" and it will work - well I cleared cache and it did not work. So I will remember to manually input https etc. with Edge in future or even simpler use Chrome.
10:07 am
April 6, 2013

Wyth should forward http://online.wyth.ca to https://online.wyth.ca. That's what other sites do.
They must have an inexperienced person doing their site!
1:46 pm
July 9, 2020

"Wyth" is now listed as a trade name of Concentra Bank on the CDIC website. A search for "wyth" on the CDIC member page shows the following.
"Wyth Financial is a trade name used by Concentra Bank, a CDIC member. Eligible deposits under Wyth Financial are combined with deposits held at Concentra Bank for up to $100,000 of deposit protection, per category.
"A “trade name” is a separate business name that is used by a member institution to market eligible deposit products. A trade name does not represent a unique CDIC member. Therefore, eligible deposits made under a trade name are aggregately protected with deposits held at the member institution for up to $100,000, per category, per depositor. Deposits made under a trade name do not benefit from additional deposit insurance coverage."
12:15 pm
December 12, 2009

Norman1 said
Wyth should forward http://online.wyth.ca to https://online.wyth.ca. That's what other sites do.They must have an inexperienced person doing their site!
I noticed this as well. This was poorly implemented.
That said, on the whole, their new core banking system and online banking platform is, surprisingly, an improvement to MemberDirect used previously. I like the left/right, as opposed to top/bottom, navigational design and it's clean and user friendly. I can only hope transaction narratives are sufficiently detailed...
12:26 pm
September 30, 2017

Did anything noteworthy happen at Wyth Financial on October 25? That was billed as the date of the official brand reveal.
I don't visit https://concentrabank.ca/ or https://online.wyth.ca regularly, but nothing looks different to me.
2:21 pm
September 30, 2017

wyth.ca is up and the public can join a wait list.
This is better than spending the night lining up in the street for some product launch. Don't know if there will be any doorcrashers
2:32 pm
January 12, 2019

12:18 pm
September 30, 2017

2:44 pm
December 20, 2016

hwyc said
New rates on chart today … the opening should be soon.
But the chart still does not show the rate for HISA, which is currently 1.35% for existing clients.
11:01 am
September 30, 2017

1:24 pm
December 20, 2016

7:13 am
September 30, 2017

Don't get too excited though.
"No interest will be paid on amounts over the account limit of $150,000. "
Full Deposits Disclosure here
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