11:08 am
February 6, 2023
1:14 pm
January 10, 2018
Since you are a new member, you have not been reading the posts regarding Wealth One that are imbedded in other topic posts.
This post and other posts, indicate at times, very slow execution and poor communication with customers. Some members have commented that although they are cover for 100K by CDIC they have not made a profit based on their financials.
In addition, February will be very busy for banking.
It's always good to have a plan B and welcome to the forum!
10:00 am
September 16, 2022
Ray123 said
In the process to open account, but nobody picks up at its official phone 1-866-392-1088 or 1-866-587-3668? Or the message box is full when I want to leave a message.Is this a trustworthy bank? Just curious, and worry... Can anybody give some clue?
A tip from my own experience: book an appointment and let them call you is much more efficient, the booking link is https://wealthonebankofcanada.coconutcalendar.com/service, I found this time-saving as I hate waiting on a call.
11:53 am
January 12, 2019
Please write your comments in the forum.