5:11 pm
January 30, 2009

It looks like they have dropped the short term 6% rates. They are now at 5.7%.
12:07 pm
September 16, 2022

5.2% now. Btw they've moved to dt and closed the office at North York. https://www.wealthonebankofcanada.com/News/2023+HQ+Relocation
8:53 am
February 16, 2023

WealthOne is back in the news with Tony Lacavera of WIND Mobile infamy attempting a major buy-in. Seems everything he's involved with borders on illegal at least in terms of Canadian ownership; in this case Chinese influence and potential money laundering.
Ironic the ‘bank's’ moved its office to the building where I had my first permanent job >50 years ago, post graduation, with the ministry of the attorney general. Good the lawyers have left the building.
9:36 am
January 12, 2019

Thanks Countysaver ⬆ ... that's an interesting development, for sure ❗
There's an article on Tony Lacavera's bid for W1BoC in today's Globe And Mail, but you have to be a paid-up subscriber to read it ⬇
Given that W1BoC has always operated in the Red (never been able to make a profit), Tony is likely to pick up this Looser for just a few cents on the dollar.
It's going to be interesting to see how this all unfolds.
- Dean
Yes, there is the option of 'removepaywall.com',
but even that will cost ya $80/yr.
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
9:41 am
February 14, 2023

10:14 am
October 27, 2013

I think Tony will, if he is successful in his purchase bid of circa $51M, 'right the ship', make it profitable, and then sell it in a few years time, perhaps to a CU trying to build a banking business. It is a relatively puny bank with assets of only $600M at this time and that is down from its peak. I can't see W1 being of value to any existing 'national' bank. Even LB could not sell itself.
1:48 pm
January 12, 2019

Update . . .
It looks like it could be a Done Deal ⬇
However, regulatory and government approvals will take time.
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
11:33 am
January 12, 2019

More details . . .
Todays BNN Vid & Article ... https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/globalive-seeks-to-shake-up-canadian-bank-oligopoly-with-wealth-one-bid-1.2033253
I couldn't stop myself from Laughing at some of the 'Glowing' comments Lacavera makes in the vid about W1BoC. It's actually quite entertaining.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
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