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January 13, 2010
3:07 am

Ing Direct is now offering 3.0% on TFSA and Canadian Tire FS is offering 3.15%. How long these rates might last is anyone's guess.

January 13, 2010
4:13 pm
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
January 12, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

There should be laws requiring stating how long a posted interest rate is guaranteed to last. Perhaps financial institutions should only be allowed to change them quarterly so that people know that as a MINIMUM they'll get 3 months of that rate.

January 14, 2010
3:46 pm

Why does anyone use the GIC in the TFSA? Guaranteed Insufficient Capital investments lick. Invest in stocks like BMO, BNS, CIBC, RBC, TDCT and SEE the advantage really work. Or, you can actually get some nice high yielding income stocks and take advantage of the TFSA. The 2-3% GIC's don't make any sense since the same bank stocks you are giving your money to are yielding a nice 4-5% dividend. Banks don't go bankrupt in Canada, you people should know that by now. Invest smarter & live better! Just my 2.5 cents...

BTW I put my $5k in last year into a nice income trust stock and it's worth over $7,400. Another friend bought some TD bank and almost doubled his investment. Why let the real bank crooks (RBC) make all the money? Get wise people!

January 14, 2010
10:24 pm

So what do you recommend? Every time I go to the bank they say the same thing and never tell me what to invest in. What did you invest in?

January 18, 2010
6:54 pm

sure like ALYY 3.6% for 5yr

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