8:45 am
September 30, 2017

12:53 pm
January 9, 2011

hwyc said
*Targeted* offer - new money 1.6% till March 31, 2022If you are currently not on anything, then I suppose you would have a chance at this.
Thanks for the heads up Got a shock after logging in, and finding this offer, after 2+ years of nothing.
“The laziest man I ever met put popcorn in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves.”-W.C. Fields
1:11 pm
November 8, 2018

2:29 pm
February 27, 2018

Here we go… again. I’d take 1.6%, so I called tangerine.
Firstly, I was told that I had to transfer money into my saving account before I would be offered a rate. I corrected the service rep, “NO. First you make me a good offer and then you’ll get my money.”
“But you have no money in your account?”
“Yes because you’re paying 0%. I can get 0% anywhere. Please transfer me to someone who has worked at tangerine bank for more than a day.”
I was given a “manager,” he offered me 1%. I informed him that I was aware of a 1.6% offer. “Oh, that’s for targeted clients.” I replied, “That’s okay. You can target me.” He was at a loss for words, so I asked to be transferred again. Then I waited and waited, I had them on speaker phone, so the 40 minute wait wasn’t so bad.
My next offer was 1.3% to which I said NO and the call ended.
2:31 pm
May 28, 2013

2:45 pm
April 22, 2019

6:09 pm
September 24, 2019

6:50 pm
January 9, 2011

Alexandra said
I received the 1.6% offer today via e-mail. I too put some in the 3month EQ GIC % 1.5% a few days ago. I guess I'll transfer some funds out of Canadian Tire to Tangerine.
Exactly what I'm going to do, on Monday (so as not to possibly lose weekend days of interest)
“The laziest man I ever met put popcorn in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves.”-W.C. Fields
7:46 pm
May 20, 2016

6:52 am
January 7, 2020

9:23 am
December 1, 2016

9:51 am
September 7, 2018

moneyhelp said
Just got this offer via email as well, made my transfer from Hubert 1.1% to Tangerine; unfortunately can only transfer $50K/day, so will have to send a second transfer request tomorrow.
You absolutely can exceed the $50K if you call the Hubert staff - they will do it for you and you don't have to wait until tomorrow.
9:58 am
January 12, 2019

rhvic said
I am not getting this offer either, so my money is going to EQ where they give 1.5% on a 3 month GIC. I'll park some money there and wait for further 'offers'.
- Ditto ⬆
And I also like Oaken's new 18 month GIC rate @ 1.75% .
Fingers crossed that the rates will continue to go Up, for the next two years or so. Wouldn't it be nice to see 5yr GIC rates getting back up to 4+% territory
again ❓❗
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
12:00 pm
September 29, 2017

8:49 pm
January 7, 2020

3:18 am
May 20, 2016

3:21 am
May 20, 2016

8:13 am
February 7, 2019

davidgeorge said
I still have DUCA earn more park account (xxxxxxxx9012) linked. I am wondering if I can transfer (pull) fund to my Tangerine savings account from my DUCA earn more park account directly.
Even on $100k, going from DUCA's 1.5% to something higher is only worth $8.33 per month for each 0.1% in interest rate. Worth moving?
Please write your comments in the forum.