1:26 pm
September 30, 2017

2:13 pm
January 12, 2019

2:20 pm
October 5, 2017

2:27 pm
January 12, 2019

11:37 pm
April 15, 2015

9:32 am
January 12, 2019

toto said
i didnt get it either .
You're not alone, Toto ... best I can tell, most didn't.
And then there's also this ⬇ https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/forum/tangerine-bank/you-be-the-judge/
So we are left to . . .

Consequently, my total at Tang remains @ $1.14
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
8:57 am
April 15, 2015

10:28 am
April 22, 2019

7:43 pm
September 29, 2017

COIN said
Last time I bought an EQ GIC was a few years ago. They made me wait 8 days to allow the deposit to clear before buying the GIC. Does EQ still have this wait period?
They officially do but I have been told by an agent on the phone before that if you purchase the GIC after the offer expires but you transferred the money in before the offer expires, they would honour the promo rate if you call them. You can call to see if they still would honour it.
5:19 am
October 5, 2017

I just chatted with EQ Bank.
This was ther reply to GIC promo rates expiring while funds are on hold.
"will you honour GIC promo rates if they expire while funds are on hold ?"
EQ Reply
That's a great question! Yes, we may submit a request for manager's approval if that happens for the funds deposited into your account before the promotion ends.
Please write your comments in the forum.