12:25 pm
October 13, 2011

mr P. Pincer said
To admin.. can we add this promo to the promo section?
Done! Sorry for the delay.
6:22 pm
October 15, 2015

4:31 pm
October 11, 2015

My tangerine special rate ended yesterday. I would hope to keep the same rate--and higher would be better!!
Does anyone have any thoughts on whether it's best to call during daytime hours or would the rates offered be the same in the evening?? My gut feeling is to call during "regular" business hours. I logged in and was not offered anything online.
OR, would you suggest waiting until the 5th of next month, as someone else posted??
4:55 pm
January 28, 2016

It appears that Tangerine is becoming stingy with their bonus rates. Unlike before, unless you transfer your money out, it's unlikely that they will offer you anything. My 3% bonus ended on Jan. 6 and wasn't offered anything online. When I called they initially said there were no offers (for me) at the present time. Meanwhile, they are offering 2.4% for 6 months to "new" clients, and some existing clients have offers of 3.25% on any "new" money they deposit. When I appraised them of those facts, and nagged them, the best they would offer me was 2% on my entire balance.
I suggest that instead of calling them, you might get better results by moving your money out of your saving account(s) and into your chequing, and see if they will offer you something. If they don't, then you could call and ask what they can offer you. Usually they say there isn't anything, until you tell them that you know about the 3.25% "new" money offer. Chances are that they will then offer you 1.6% or, if you insist, 2% on all your deposit.
Good Luck, as it was a battle for me to get 2%.
4:56 pm
October 21, 2013

The short answer is that nobody knows.
Lately, I have found some of the daytime staff bordering on incompetent. They were poor communicators and unprofessional in manner. However, that got me to a supervisor who was quite good. i think her name was Michelle. When I say "good", I mean she correctly understood my issue and responded appropriately.
I have always found the overnight staff to be quite good.
I don't call in the evening.
As to rate setting, we will never know.
It's possible, I suppose, that their capacity to give better rates get adjusted daily when their daily assets and overnight lending needs are known, whenever that may be. Midnight, Eastern time?? End of business day? I was told once that something or other happens at 9pm but I'm not sure what; sounded like the end of day by some measure.
I would say, call them as often as you can stomach the process. Maybe they'll get tired of wasting their time on your calls and decide to respond! But I don't know if they track the calls that way.
But you also have to be realistic. There is no way they are going to offer anyone 2.5 or 3% indefinitely. Why would they? Nobody else comes anywhere near that. You might get it for a year or two or until they have gotten all the business they think they can out of you, and then they will lose interest in you (pun intended!). Over the long term, in today's rate climate, I think 2% is a reasonable goal with Tangerine, but they would probably prefer to bump you down to 1.6.
They may look more kindly on credit card clients, as they can make a lot of money there. Like all businesses, they are interested in growth. Once they decide that you don't offer much in the way of growth potential, they will lose interest in you. They will, from time to time, continue to offer new products. If you use those, you will be more "interesting" to them.
5:31 pm
February 17, 2013

LP said
I suggest that instead of calling them, you might get better results by moving your money out of your saving account(s) and into your chequing, and see if they will offer you something. If they don't, then you could call and ask what they can offer you. Usually they say there isn't anything, until you tell them that you know about the 3.25% "new" money offer. Chances are that they will then offer you 1.6% or, if you insist, 2% on all your deposit.Good Luck, as it was a battle for me to get 2%.
Been there....done all that. Tried everything. Threatened to move my money out, actually moved my money out, contacted via chat (waste of time), contacted via phone (hit and miss), told them I was aware of offers made to others....even in my own family, and other on line offers. So far the ONLY thing that has garnered a decent offer was moving ALL my funds out, ignoring a mediocre offer and waiting for the next. I am now on 3.25 until Mar 31. I am linked to EQ so, personally, I would not leave it in Tang for matching 2%, just on principal. They have made me work far too hard to just accept matching EQ... they don't deserve my savings unless they are willing to work for my business. That being said... the whole game changes if EQ drops their rate. Sadly, Tang is still last on my list if that happens.
6:20 pm
February 14, 2014

Rick said
So far the ONLY thing that has garnered a decent offer was moving ALL my funds out, ignoring a mediocre offer and waiting for the next. I am now on 3.25 until Mar 31.
Well, my latest scenario resembles this a little bit.
I had over $100k in a promo offer earlier last year, but (lazily) left it there and missed the next offer on new money. I (lazily) left it there at 0.8% and then moved it out the last week of December (now that EQ has easy EFT account additions), and then got an offer for 2.83% and moved it back on Jan 5th.
However, as I posted above somewhere, my wife and daughter both got the same 2.83% offers by just having relatively small amount of money festering there for a couple of years at 0.8%.
I don't trust that the practice of moving savings to chequing accounts will be "good enough" forever (to count as new money when moved back to savings), so I'm going to continue to move it out completely at the end of each promo.
7:14 pm
September 11, 2013

9:41 am
October 11, 2015

Thanks to everyone for your responses.
I called after 9am. The first fellow was very difficult to understand and he would not offer me anything.
I moved out a nice chunk to EQ.
Then i called back to Tangerine as I was going over their daily limit. The new CSR asked me what rates I am being offered elsewhere. I told her 2.5%Oaken, 2%EQ, etc. The most that she would offer is 1.6%:(
But interesting that the first guy said NO. Maybe they saw that I moved out the first large chunk?
9:46 am
February 14, 2014

3:26 pm
January 16, 2017

Bill said
dentgal, I believe the "move it out and then wait for an offer on the following 5th" strategy was described as working (maybe) at the end of quarters, not every month (i.e. end of March, June, September, December), if I remember right.
Yes, that is a really important point (End-of-Month vs End-of-Quarter). If anyone could confirm, that would be appreciated. I understood "End-of-Quarter" from previous posts.
5:42 pm
February 24, 2015

AlainJF said
Yes, that is a really important point (End-of-Month vs End-of-Quarter). If anyone could confirm, that would be appreciated. I understood "End-of-Quarter" from previous posts.
So Tangerine is paying people to answer the phone, but it doesn't matter what you say or what you do, because new offers only happen on the 5th day of every 3rd month. What kind of business model is this?
7:31 am
February 3, 2017

1:41 pm
December 12, 2009

christinad said
Is it true you can link an unlimited number of accounts to itrade? That seems handy. Is the EFT from tangerine slow for anyone else? I find transfers to TD take a day, to tangerine 2 days.
That's true. I deal with Scotia iTRADE and have debated switching to Questrade and Qtrade but they are very compelling in their own right and this is one of those reasons. 🙂
For transfers to Scotia iTRADE, if you transfer funds in from a linked external account, the funds should be available immediately for trading purposes (there might be a limit, such as $5000 or $10000) and for withdrawal either immediately up to that set limit or for all amounts up to 5 business days later. In terms of actual posting times to your external bank account, it's about 2 business days for Tangerine but, if funds are available immediately for trading purposes, this doesn't really matter, does it? For these reasons, it's not good for using as a "hub" for short-term transfers in and out but for trading, it's excellent. You can also transfer instantly in and out with a Scotiabank account and the transaction posts right away. 🙂
Tangerine EFT transactions typically take extra 1-2 business days beyond normal posting timeframes for other banks due to: (a) the item having to route through the Toronto data centre of Symcor in addition to the Western data centre of Symcor (if your account is domiciled out west) and (b) because they clear through RBC, it takes an extra day. However, I presume, if you live in Central Canada and your accounts are domiciled in Central Canada, it may only be that 1 extra day. Make sense? 😉
Hope that helps,
11:16 am
July 28, 2016

2:53 pm
October 21, 2013

there is a deal on right now at RBC for 2% until Dec 1, new e-accounts. Need to check T&C https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/onlinebanking/servicech/pdf/bonusrate-terms-conditions.pdf.
Should also check regular T&C for this kind of account, and General T&C for RBC, as sometimes there are undesirable terms elsewhere.
No excuse for 1.6 right now.
6:22 pm
January 15, 2014

Loonie said
there is a deal on right now at RBC for 2% until Dec 1, new e-accounts. Need to check T&C https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/onlinebanking/servicech/pdf/bonusrate-terms-conditions.pdf.
Should also check regular T&C for this kind of account, and General T&C for RBC, as sometimes there are undesirable terms elsewhere.No excuse for 1.6 right now.
To admin... can this be put in promo and made into a new RBC thread?
Where has this been for three weeks, sigh. Oh well. Thanks for sharing!
Edit by admin: new thread to discuss RBC promo here: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/forum/general-comparisons/rbc-esavings-promo-2-00-until-dec-1-2017-on-new-deposits-before-aug
Please write your comments in the forum.