7:53 am
December 18, 2008

9:14 am
October 29, 2017

9:39 am
February 24, 2015

11:13 pm
October 29, 2017

3:03 am
February 7, 2019

2:22 pm
December 12, 2009

Still, I have to give Tangerine a bit of credit for beefing up their regular GIC rates across account types, and generally moving away from the promotional interest rate "game." Such is a tiring exercise! If I could earn 2.80% on a 1-year GIC versus between 2.50-3% by juggling money back and forth every quarter, that's a much easier and better way to go, in my opinion.
GICs are back in vogue again, mainly shorter term GICs, and perhaps for the short term. #GICjokes #durationhumour
4:09 pm
October 21, 2013

5:06 am
September 30, 2017

11:52 pm
October 29, 2017

8:15 am
December 12, 2009

Vatox said
There seems to be a discrepancy in some of the posted rates and the GIC Chart.
EDIT: perhaps it just changed for March 16 and the chart isn’t yet updated.
I believe the latter is likely because I just checked Tangerine's chart and their 1-year GIC was 2.80% or something. I think it changed in the last couple of weeks (maybe three?). I think Peter tries to update the GIC chart at least once or twice a month (if not more). So there will be times when it is "not in sync".
At any rate, Tangerine's GIC rates have gotten more competitive such that they're equal to, and better than, their silly now targeted "net new money" HISA promo rates. In fact, I think Tangerine's 1-year GIC rate was 10 bps better than EQ Bank's.
10:02 pm
October 21, 2013

10:31 pm
October 29, 2017

10:35 pm
October 29, 2017

Disclaimer: Although our best efforts are made, the information posted on this website is not guaranteed to be accurate. The posted rate history is per the date our scripts noticed a change on the financial institution's website.
Date 1-year 2-year 3-year 4-year 5-year
2019-03-16 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80
2019-03-02 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90
2019-02-21 2.60 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95
2019-01-29 2.80 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15
2018-12-22 3.00 3.40
2018-11-06 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.35 3.50
2018-09-21 2.75 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10
Not so clean, but the numbers are there.
The 1 year is still 2.6 and the 2,3,4,5 are the top row
10:59 pm
October 29, 2017

12:38 am
October 21, 2013

10:22 am
December 12, 2009

11:14 pm
October 29, 2017

Doug said
Thanks, Vatox, but wouldn't it have just been easier to link to the Tangerine GIC rate history page, and then pointed out in your reply the problem area(s)?Cheers,
Nah. I’m quite sure people know where to look. If they don’t know where to look then they can simply ask. Loonie knew where to look but wanted an easily visible post. NP.
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