8:31 pm
December 7, 2023

7:49 am
April 5, 2012

smayer97 said
Agreed that the better choice, and the ultimate conclusion to take away from this part of the discussion, is to always have GICs mature in a chequing account to increase your chance of qualifying for future promos.
My point was simply to make folks aware that even that is not a 100% guarantee of qualifying, though the odds are significantly higher, based on the current track record.
I noticed that it is possible to change the expiration instructions online for a Tangerine GIC so I switched the account where to deposit the money + interest from savings to checking. I'll then move the money manually to my savings account.
Hope this amount will be counted as new money for the promo interest rate, especially when Tangerine just lowered their 1y rate from 4.6% to 4.2%.
Please write your comments in the forum.