6:47 am
ING THRIVE account claims to be free...and yes, it is quite cheap compared with other banks.....however, this is not the whole story...
what if your check is bounced due to their holding policy? ING charges you 25 dollars and the receiver, if it is company, will charge u another 30 dollars!!!! all the money you save will be gone in one shot!!!
I suffered a lot due to this holding policy...it is ridiculously...they hold your money even after they receive it!! and their explanation is obviously the "explanation" that is required by the training....
dont use this account if possible...you will suffer when you are in a rush...
4:20 am
first, the free oops policy sometimes is not enough for us----only several hundred available. sometimes u need more to cover the held money. and this protection is not available to anybody...usually they offer you this when u realized that a check is to be bounced and u r in a shit and u called them.
second, most people dont know the holding policy...most of the people realize there is such a policy after they suffer. for other canadian banks, they only hold your check...for example, if u wired the money, the money is immediately available after the bank receives it...but for ING, NO..u have to wait another 5 business days (business days, it means usually a week of time) to get ur money released.
anyway....u have to be really careful to use this account....as i said, the money you lose in one shot is more than the interest they pay u for a whole year!!!
12:45 pm
The ING Direct Thrive Account is still, for me, an OK account, as I have experienced some frustrations with it, BUT I still use it occasionally.
DEFINITELY, I say, dont put your big money on this account. No. Never, its not worth the hassle, so just few hundreds dollars and so you can use some of their free services but dont put your hard earned thousands of dollars with them.
11:33 am
All banks hold money you just deposit, some longer than others, otherwise, for example, you could deposit a cheque, (unknown or known to you that is worthless) and withdraw the money the next day… now the bank is on the hook to get the funds back from you if you are still around, which they avoid by using holds. I really dont think it is to make money from you. Maybe customers that deposit cheques and withdraw quickly are not customers they want to keep...lets not be naive, they are still in the business of making money, and if you don't leave much with them for long periods then you are just costing them money with transactions and customer inquiries so maybe they don't want such customers to be too happy. Lets remember they are a business.
I worked for a big bank branch when I was young and I remember to my surprise the manager telling people he did not want their business. Refusing and closing acc'ts.
The exception to long holds is if you are a customer they know well in person(not electronically like ING) or you have lots of other assets or accounts with them.
I am not sure why people bash ING. I no longer use them as I find there are better deals with the big banks once you have more assets, but I still recommend them to friends who are new customers to the internet banking field, given they have a good, simple, trusting overall package, including cheapest mutual funds, and I appreciate they were the first to start the internet HISA industry in Canada. Or maybe they are getting too successful and can afford to cut their rates, services...when i was with them in the late 90's they gave free cheques with their HISA! so all money earned great rates.
3:32 pm
being in business does not necessarily mean that you only serve people when you make money...this is quite short-sighted. any good manager will never do what your manager did if he/she has a reasonable mind...in French they say small companies have big heart--why? because their situation is more challenging than those big businesses so they have the sense of unsecurity...
your manager kicked one guy out...actually he does not know what he kicked out...he only knows that he is happy...while the bank or somebody else suffers because of his stupidity and irresponsibility
in nowedays, never bully the customers, even though they sometimes take advantage of the business...in the long run, business always wins...u kick out one customer, it means that your competitor has him/her, and u have one more enemy in the market...double loss,
ING needs to make money, no double about this. but if they hold the wired money for 5 days, that is beyond reason...especially when its customers pay for this policy...they do not deserve this because their money is already in ING's pocket.
anyway...since business mananger has the right to kick out anybody he does not like, it is better for me to take every advantage of the bank if i can...is this the ideal operation pattern of the modern banking? hahah...
8:38 am
December 12, 2008

First of all, ING as all banks send you information with your account that explain what your hold limit is. And even after you make some sort of deposit (ATM/incoming bank transfer/etc), it tells you what part of your balance is available to you.
Did you fail to read this material? And are now blaming ING for following the same banking practices as all banks in this matter?
12:52 pm
because i need to move my money fast, i dont care about their interest compared with the penalty they charge me once my check is bounced.
yes, they send me all the information when i open the account, but pay attention to what they put the sensitive inforamation....they put the hold policy (such an important policy) in a corner with the small font...even when u make the transaction online, you have to click several links to find such a policy. NO CLEAR EXPLANATION AND WARNING AT ALL.
i failed to read the materials, yes, i suffered a lot because of this...and i am not the only one i guess. i guess 8 out of 10 people do not know this policy until they are charged penalty.
it is a shame to contribute everything to the public just because those professional players play with us with the word games...as usually, they hide the most sensitive and influential materials in a way that is aimed to play with us....dont forget, nowadays, the credit card companies are asked to print how much interests and how long does the card holder need to clear his/her debts...why? because he/she just the small mice played by the greedy cat and we poor ordinary people are definitely on the weak side of the battlefield.
how shameful it is to lose the basic conscience, Djino, word games are everywhere now and u stand with those big professional players...maybe u r working for ING...maybe u will understand how i feel when u r played around by another professional players...when u r a small mice that is fondled by a greedy cat, i hope u dont cry and blame yourself for not reading the 10-page agreement.
right is right and wrong is wrong...in face of the basic conscience, no word is more powerful...
12:56 pm
one more thing....
ING's holding policy is different from other banks...
1. holding period is much longer
2. even the electronically transferred and wired money are put on hold.
once people know this policy, they will be really careful to open the account with ING...why? for the decent people, it is a shame to see his check bounced even though his money is in ING's pocket.
1:01 pm
ing's holding policy applies to all kinds of deposit....usually bank only holds money for checks...this is the reason most of the people will be shocked when they find they can not use their money even though ING has absolutely received it...
U can make your own decision, what i am doing here is just to tell the public that there exists such a policy and it will beat u badly when u r in a rush.
bad things come together
2:15 pm
December 12, 2008

ing's holding policy applies to all kinds of deposit….usually bank only holds money for checks…this is the reason most of the people will be shocked when they find they can not use their money even though ING has absolutely received it…
U can make your own decision, what i am doing here is just to tell the public that there exists such a policy and it will beat u badly when u r in a rush.
bad things come together
First of all, there are only 4 different types of deposits you can make into an ING account, 1 of which ING does not use your hold limit against:
1) Mailing in a cheque
2) ATM Deposit
3) Setting up a Funds transfer from ING's end
4) Setting up a Funds transfer to Deposit INTO ING from an external bank/Pay Roll Deposits – NOT HELD whats so ever.
All banks in Canada apply hold limits on the first 3 above. But just like ING, if you have a high enough release limit on the account and the deposit you want to make is less than or equal to it, then you are able to use the funds immediately. And just like ALL banks, if you make a deposit that is ABOVE your release limit, then the amount above the release limit is held. A practice used by ALL Banks.
The extra deposit benefit you get from the Big 5 is being able to make a cash/government cheque deposit at a teller which NO holds limits would apply too. So it shouldn't be a shock when you make an ATM deposit to find that your money is held if the amount is above your release limit. If there is a shock which obviously was in your case, most likely means they didn't read the hold release material that was sent to you, when the account was opened.
I mean, I have a $500 release limit on my RBC Account, which means if I deposit $1000 at an ATM, half of it is held. This is no different to ING (well actually with ING, my release limit is $5000, so this deposit would NOT be held).
I'm sure everyone will make their own decision, you are just blabbing on about a hold policy that exists WITH ALL BANKS. There is absolutely no reason to fault ING for this behaviour.
7:15 pm
then how can u explain my experience?
i electronically transferred a big amount of money from RBC to ING, after RBC released my money and ING received it, ING still holds it for 5 business days.
i called RBC, i called ING and i even called the Canadian financial institution organization to make sure that such holding is legitimate.
RBC told me that, once they gave the electronic credit to ING, they can not take it back and that money is gone from my RBC account.
THE Canadian financial institution organization employee told me that they have no regulation on the holding policy yet, however, once a bank electronically credit another bank, in this case, RBC credited ING, it means that the money is transferred and ING had my money at that time.
ING's explanation is that RBC has the right to take the money back and that is the reason they hold my money.
i should believe whom?
until then, they did not give me the 5000 releasing..after i called them and told them i was shocked and angry, did they finally dropped me some candies.
they give me 5000 releasing and it was when i suffered the second time that i realized that such limit is not applicable to the amount that had been on held before the 'limit buffer' was emptied again...
anyway, very complicated...and 110% attention should be paid if u really hate your check bounced due to 'INSUFFICIENT FUND'...by the way, this is the reason my receiver company got for the bounced check...i have enough money and ING said that i dont have enough money...such a humiliation.at least ING should specify the reason as 'money on hold'
5:11 am
December 12, 2008

then how can u explain my experience?
i electronically transferred a big amount of money from RBC to ING, after RBC released my money and ING received it, ING still holds it for 5 business days.
i called RBC, i called ING and i even called the Canadian financial institution organization to make sure that such holding is legitimate.
RBC told me that, once they gave the electronic credit to ING, they can not take it back and that money is gone from my RBC account.
THE Canadian financial institution organization employee told me that they have no regulation on the holding policy yet, however, once a bank electronically credit another bank, in this case, RBC credited ING, it means that the money is transferred and ING had my money at that time.
ING's explanation is that RBC has the right to take the money back and that is the reason they hold my money.
i should believe whom?
until then, they did not give me the 5000 releasing..after i called them and told them i was shocked and angry, did they finally dropped me some candies.
they give me 5000 releasing and it was when i suffered the second time that i realized that such limit is not applicable to the amount that had been on held before the 'limit buffer' was emptied again…
anyway, very complicated…and 110% attention should be paid if u really hate your check bounced due to 'INSUFFICIENT FUND'…by the way, this is the reason my receiver company got for the bounced check…i have enough money and ING said that i dont have enough money…such a humiliation.at least ING should specify the reason as 'money on hold'
Whenever you log into ING to setup to transfer funds from another bank (ie, RBC) INTO ING, this is the same thing as making an ATM deposit BECAUSE ING does not know whether or NOT you have sufficient funds in your RBC account to satisfy the transfer / nor can any bank verify the funds you have deposited in an ATM until they check it at a later date. But if the amount you setup to transfer in is below or equal to your RELEASE HOLD amount, then you should have access to those funds immediately. This example falls into example 3 as I mentioned in the previous post "3) Setting up a Funds transfer from ING's end". So yes, this is an example of you requesting ING to PULL funds from another bank.
If the external bank had a Bank Transfer feature like PCFinancial/HSBC and you setup from the external bank's end to transfer funds INTO ING, ING would NOT hold this type of transfer. This falls under my 4th example "4) Setting up a Funds transfer to Deposit INTO ING from an external bank/Pay Roll Deposits". As this is an example of you requesting the external bank to PUSH funds into ING. ING does not need to hold, because they have not initiated the transfer. This is also the same as a Payroll Deposit which obviously is always initiated from your Employer's bank. Unfortunately RBC does not have such a feature for you to initiate the transfer from with RBC to push to ING, so you are left with initiating it from ING's end which will be processed against your HOLD Limits.
It doesn't mean anything that you've called RBC and they've released the funds to ING because ING can't verify if you had the funds in RBC as RBC can recall those funds at anytime if you had an insufficient balance. You telling ING that you have the funds there isn't sufficient evidence of that because you can't speak on behalf of RBC.
Your only options here are to see if ING can raise your release limit or stop using your RBC account and move your accounts to a bank that offers the ability to perform Bank Transfers such as ING, HSBC, PCFinancial, etc.
I hope this now makes sense to you as the unfortunate situation you experienced is NO fault of INGs, but in your lack of understanding of how the banking system works when it comes to this type of transaction.
2:33 pm
my situation is like this:
1. in my RBC account, the amount has been deducted.
2. in my ING account, the amount has been added while they are on hold.
RBC give the electronic credit to ING AFTER they make sure that i have enough money in my RBC account. If i have money on hold in my RBC account or i dont have enough money, they wont send the electronic credit to ING...if i make a check or atm deposit to my RBC bank and try to transfer the money to ING before the hold is released, i am sure i wont be able to do that....once RBC deduct the transferred amount from my bank, it means that my money is available, safe and sound, there is no reason ING holds my money for another 5 days.
so i can not agree with you...even though it is ING who initiates the transfer, i dont believe RBC will give ING money before they check my account and make sure that the money i want to transfer is ok to go...
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