With ING Direct's long-standing promotion, if you refer someone to open an account with ING with an initial deposit of $100, both you and the person who referred you get $13. When you sign up, you have to put the referrer's referral code so that ING can credit the correct person.
I don't want referral codes posted here because once one person posts one, a deluge of posts come where *everybody* posts theirs. And when that happens, referral codes expire (you're only allowed to refer 20 people) and then people don't remove their codes and nobody gets the bonus.
I want to keep this site useful and uncluttered 😀 So if anybody has a good idea on how to share referral codes, I'm open to ideas! After all, I still want people to be able to get the $13.
10:37 am
When you highlight Peter's name in the sidebar of a forum post, it links to his blog.
I think you could give do the same thing with e-mail.
When someone requests a code through a forum post, they can check a box to have a link to their guest e-mail displayed in the forum.
You can attach the mailto: link to some text below the guest's name like "Click to e-mail me."
I don't know if this is possible for you in SimpleForum, but it's a standard feature in other forum software like phpBB.
PS: Thanks for the ref. codes, my cheques are in the mail (ING & Citizens). We should both be $43 richer this week.
6:16 pm
Can someone email me a referral code for ING Direct?
My email is dbplus14@yahoo.ca
11:20 am
November 26, 2008

Please write your comments in the forum.