8:30 pm
June 30, 2009

1:25 am
June 30, 2009

11:01 am
I spend a lot of time watching BNN. That channel drove me to distraction with that ING commercial where the two women slam the Banks for their low Interest Rates, etc, & praise ING for its Rates, etc. They ran it at least 10 times a day, to the extent that I sent an email to BNN asking for relief. I couldn't help noticing that last Friday, no ING on BNN. Friday night on this site I read about ING's decrease in Rates. Thanks, guys. I've pulled my wad from ING & gone to Maxa.
8:10 pm
Yes, the TFSA rate has dropped to 1.05%, as expected.
What galls me at this point is that Scotiabank is offering 1.50% for their TFSA.
So much for ING's propaganda about being better than the big five banks.
Also, for just a regular savings account (non-TFSA), ICICI Bank is offering 1.20% on their no-fee Hi-SAVE account.
9:34 am
I always chuckled when I saw ING's ads comparing their interest rates with those at the big five banks. Wouldn't it be more proper for ING to compare its rates with those offered by its peer group, such as HSBC, ICICI, PCF, etc..., instead of those offered at the big, full-service chartered banks? Of course it would; that was a rhetorical question. ING's ads are classic "toss BS at 'em without technically lying" that could be shown in a Marketing 101 class. I pulled all my money out of ING long ago and don't see it going back any time soon.
8:29 pm
I have been going back and forth via e-mail with ING customer service asking why they've lowered their ISA rate twice since the last time the Bank of Canada adjusted the prime rate. They have been giving me nothing but stock, propaganda-style replies and they take their damned time doing it, too. I'm going to call them tomorrow and, if they can't resolve anything to my satisfaction, I'm emptying my accounts with them and moving funds to a higher interest vehicle.
5:58 am
James said:
I have been going back and forth via e-mail with ING customer service asking why they've lowered their ISA rate twice since the last time the Bank of Canada adjusted the prime rate. They have been giving me nothing but stock, propaganda-style replies and they take their damned time doing it, too. I'm going to call them tomorrow and, if they can't resolve anything to my satisfaction, I'm emptying my accounts with them and moving funds to a higher interest vehicle.
Exactly what are you hoping to accomplish by contacting them? Why not move your money to a higher interest account right now?
3:58 pm
i pulled my money out of ING after I asked to be enrolled in the 3% RRSP 1 year GIC they were offering and they told me it was only for people who moved their RRSP to ING from elsewhere and not existing customers.
So it means if you have been a loyal customer of ING, it actually works against you.
6:50 am
December 22, 2011

7:08 am
does anyone know how to send money to an other country through ing email money transfer?
i remember i was talking to a ing call center rep once and he mentioned that he sent money to one of his friends in mexico but i cant figure out how to get it done,if anyone knows or has done this before could you please let me know how you did it thanks
2:16 pm
December 22, 2011

9:43 am
Yea ING is a lil underwater on the ISA account.. I just started using the Thrive account been happy so far.. EMT (ING-free) if I remember other posts takes a few days to clear.. Using Interac EMT from ING ($1) clears instantly and is the same concept.. Should be free to receive.. I don't think you will be able to send to an INTL bank account though…
*Please note rates are displayed for informational purposes only.
Historical Rates: Investment Savings Account
Date Rate
03/29/2012 1.35%
08/05/2010 1.50%
06/30/2010 1.30%
12/15/2009 1.20%
09/09/2009 1.05%
07/14/2009 1.20%
05/20/2009 1.35%
04/22/2009 1.50%
04/11/2009 1.70%
03/25/2009 1.85%
03/06/2009 2.00%
02/20/2009 2.30%
02/03/2009 2.50%
11/08/2008 2.70%
ISA-TFSA Promotion
10/04/2008 3.00%
ISA-TFSA Promotion
04/29/2008 3.00%
03/07/2008 3.30%
01/26/2008 3.65%
09/01/2007 3.75%
08/31/2006 3.50%
07/07/2006 3.35%
05/19/2006 3.15%
01/12/2006 3.00%
12/01/2005 2.75%
11/01/2005 2.50%
11/29/2004 2.40%
06/15/2004 2.25%
09/04/2003 2.50%
07/16/2003 2.75%
04/16/2003 3.00%
06/05/2002 2.75%
01/18/2002 2.50%
11/12/2001 2.75%
10/26/2001 3.00%
09/18/2001 3.50%
Please write your comments in the forum.