ING - my25
November 18, 2008
12:19 pm
12:19 pm
In yesterday's mail, I received an ING incentive offer of $25 to open a savings account with a minimum $250 - It's called the my25 offer.
Anybody else hear about this or take them up on the offer. I'm wondering if there are any fees if I chose to close my account or transfer funds at a later date. Seems like an easy $25, but I'm always apprehensive about offers of free money.
For more info:
November 30, 2008
7:12 am
7:12 am
Forum Posts: 212
Member Since:
November 26, 2008
November 26, 2008

I think it's more of an altruiistic act to get a referral from someone else and get a 13$ and give at the same time a 13$ bonus to your referrer. This way you spread the love of a 26$ in 2 parts 😀
No, it's not true. You better go with the 25 $ 😉
The day you become free is the day you work for fun.
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