Here's the rate history for an idea of just how drastic the jump is: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/profile/tangerine-bank/gic-rate-history/
7:52 am
October 22, 2015

7:52 am
November 8, 2018

7:57 am
November 8, 2018

dommm said
Just on my account & can't figure out how to get this 5yr GIC at 3.2%. Anyone else having this problem?
1. In an Overview, scroll down to "Add Account" and click on it.
2. In "Add Account" list of accounts click "Add" in front of "Guaranteed Investment GIC" and it says there "up to 3.2%"
3. At the very bottom of the screen it should say "1 Account(s) added" with "Next" button right from it. Click on "Next" button.
4. In the following page it'll ask duration (term) of GIC, when you choose one you want, corresponding rate will appear.
From there, continue the process till completion.
8:04 am
December 12, 2009

GR said
180 Day Guaranteed Investment 2.80%
270 Day Guaranteed Investment 2.60%
1 Year Guaranteed Investment 2.80%
1½ Year Guaranteed Investment 2.85%
2 Year Guaranteed Investment 2.90%
3 Year Guaranteed Investment 3.00%
4 Year Guaranteed Investment 3.10%
5 Year Guaranteed Investment 3.20%
Yes, this is almost entirely related to the tight corporate credit markets. With the BoC's 0.50% rate drop today and, more specifically, to the likely forthcoming purchases of corporate bonds (including corporate bond ETFs and mutual funds) at its April 15th regular meeting following its announced daily purchase of $5 billion in government securities (including residential mortgages securitized through Canada Mortgage Bond from CMHC), I suspect you will see the GIC rates normalize and you will see sudden, corresponding moves downward. Take advantage of these rates while you can, if you prefer GICs, and I'm now shifting my recommendation from 1-3 year GIC maturities to fully 5 year maturities because I see 0-0.25% BoC rates for at least the next 2, possibly 3, years. In short, sub-1.00% BoC rate for the next 5-10 years as this economy is going to need all the stimulus it can get.
I will be tactically shifting my large cash position into secure equities later this year when my Coast GIC matures and next year when my Concentra GIC matures. I'll probably take my cash position down to as little as $25,000.
8:52 am
February 20, 2018

Dont be so bold doug
On March 9th Doug posted on a Motive thread he purchased Imperial Oil at around $23.50 per share it's currently at 13.50. He also purchased Cnq that day at about 21.50 now selling for 13.35
9:10 am
December 12, 2009

Bud said
Dont be so bold dougOn March 9th Doug posted on a Motive thread he purchased Imperial Oil at around $23.50 per share it's currently at 13.50. He also purchased Cnq that day at about 21.50 now selling for 13.35
Excuse me? This is an indication of nothing.
I have not purchased Imperial Oil or Canadian Natural Resources with a one or two month time horizon. I have purchased them with a 5-10 year time horizon. Perfect market timing is extremely difficult, if not nearly impossible, to do. Fundamentally, I purchased both at below their book and intrinsic values. They are now just merely further below those levels.
9:51 am
January 12, 2019

GR said
180 Day Guaranteed Investment 2.80%
270 Day Guaranteed Investment 2.60%
1 Year Guaranteed Investment 2.80%
1½ Year Guaranteed Investment 2.85%
2 Year Guaranteed Investment 2.90%
3 Year Guaranteed Investment 3.00%
4 Year Guaranteed Investment 3.10%
5 Year Guaranteed Investment 3.20%
WOW ❗❗❗
Whoda thought Tangerine (of all places) would do that ⬆
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
10:09 am
October 10, 2016

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