10:24 am
October 21, 2013

howiemandel said
PC Financial pays 1.05% monthly and at the end of the entire period- sometime early July 2015, you will get the bonus interest payment of 1.55% for your balance in that period. If i interpret this right, PC Financial won't let you earn more interest off compounding effects, rather gross calculate the 1.55% bonus on your daily average balance from apr 1st to june 30th 2015.
This is consistent with the way PC has operated in the past vis-a-vis Tangerine.
implode said
I received the Tangerine 2.1% offer, but as it is only on new deposits, on April 1st, I initiated transfer outs from Tangerine...I am now seriously considering opening a PC Financial account for the 2.6% promo rate as these funds are not registered.
You should. Like other forum-ers here, you should have PCF, Tang, and Hubert. 1 week before any promotion ends, pull the money to Hubert, and wait for PCF/Tang offers. Then push the cash to either PCF or Tang, which looks better (and the money is considered "new" money.)
3:06 pm
April 1, 2015

Sounds like a good plan. I have Tangerine, PCF and CIBC. Accounts all linked up. I don't know much about Hubert. Any good?
I called Tangerine to move cash, and they asked why. I mentioned about the PCF offer and they tried to sweeten the deal.
Offered several choice. One was an interest rate of 1.75%, or2.1% for amount after Dec 31/14 balance and the remaining at 1.05% (sorry he could have said 1.50%). I choose to move able half to PCF, but I may move half of the remainder because the Tangerine current rate is 1.05%.
I think if any of you have a decent amount in Tangerine, it's worth calling. They may give you a better rate. They can't beat PCF at this moment.
6:08 pm
August 28, 2013

I love how we discuss squeezing every possible penny from big banks!
In order to get some real interest money you have to have millions. Everything else is fun.
If I had 3Mill, I would park it at 1-2 CU and get close to 60K a year. Split income, each claims 30K. Probably you would have to pay some tax. Then I would work only for medical benefits and just have pure fun being among people and doing job I love.
I always laugh at folks dreaming winning millions at 6/49 or similar. Travel, laying on a sun, good food, etc. What a joke. You travel to 'exotic' areas - possible to pick up some exotic illness or get robbed or killed; laying on a beach - skin cancer; good food - obesity or some funky stomach illness. Should I mention you would suddenly found (actually THEY will found You) 100 lost relatives, 500 'charitable' organizations asking $ for a good cause, etc. You would have to hide like most wanted drug king. I am not aware of ONE happy lottery winner.
Well, not everything is THAT black I would definitely love go to Japan (packet tour, all paid, no food stands or similar)... No, I would Not buy Ferrari or Maserati. Imagine going to Walmart with Ferrari. It has no place for grocery bags...
Anyway, it is long weekend. Banks are closed so you can scheme and make plans until Monday. I am not moving $ to PCF. I will get 1y GIC at Hubert.
2:00 pm
September 17, 2014

7:45 pm
October 21, 2013

Spouse talked to Tang on the phone and got 2.1% for new deposits and 1.75% on "old" deposits (unregistered, savings) to end of June. Tang rep was eager to point out that with BMO offer, you must put in 200/month, and was obviously consulting his notes, so they are very aware of what the competition is doing - not surprisingly. Naturally, he did not bother pointing out that you would be getting .4% higher return on that $200!
It's very true that the character of this company has changed since it was ING. Now, it feels more like dickering with the phone company over rates - a time-consuming nuisance. Perhaps they will re-name it BellTang Media.
11:19 pm
April 2, 2015

Well, so I did pull out a significant amount of money from Tangerine. I've opened up my PCF account and "registered" for that 2.6% promo except as PCF has yet to link my account. It has been 4 business days already. I didn't know that Tangerine would give 1.75% on old deposit until end of June if I called in. I'll do that so what money I left behind gets a better rate.
1:11 pm
September 23, 2014

Fellow Savers,
Tang seems to now be less competitive than earlier this month - After some time on the phone in negotiations, the best they were willing to give me is 1.75% on all my 'old' money. In accepting that deal, I had to give up the 2.1% rate on 'new' money, but since I had no intentions of adding funds, I grabbed the 1.75% as something better than the 1.05% I was getting.
It is very clear that the new ownership of Tang is much less aligned with the competitive marketplace ...
11:07 pm
April 1, 2015

implode said
Well, so I did pull out a significant amount of money from Tangerine. I've opened up my PCF account and "registered" for that 2.6% promo except as PCF has yet to link my account. It has been 4 business days already. I didn't know that Tangerine would give 1.75% on old deposit until end of June if I called in. I'll do that so what money I left behind gets a better rate.
Yes, Tangerine will give you the 1.75% on your old deposit if you call and ask. I think they want to avoid having ton of cash being moved over to PCF, so they at least offer something. They won't advertise it , only offer it when clients call and mention the PCF offer.
I still have funds with CIbc and their low rate of 0.8 %. Not impress. Good for you Impode to opening your account with PCF and getting it link to Tangerine (hopefully it will be linked soon). It should work as I have linked up. Good luck
8:17 pm
April 2, 2015

So I did call Tangerine up and asked about them if they could do anything about the PCFinancial 2.6%. The representative on the phone was quite polite and mentions that I had withdrawn the majority of my funds almost 2 weeks ago. She reminded me about the 2.1% offer that I do have which I pointed out that with my offer, it stated only for new funds since April 1st and as I had moved in funds during the 2.5% promotion, it was parked there well before April 1st. Anyhow, I wasn't offered the 1.75% on what's left of my old deposit funds. As such, I've decided to transfer out even more of the remainder, leaving behind only a few hundred dollars.
8:23 pm
April 2, 2015

Planr606 said
Yes, Tangerine will give you the 1.75% on your old deposit if you call and ask. I think they want to avoid having ton of cash being moved over to PCF, so they at least offer something. They won't advertise it , only offer it when clients call and mention the PCF offer.I still have funds with CIbc and their low rate of 0.8 %. Not impress. Good for you Impode to opening your account with PCF and getting it link to Tangerine (hopefully it will be linked soon). It should work as I have linked up. Good luck
I didn't link to Tangerine as I don't have a chequing account with them. I did state I had transferred out money earlier and that was to my already established link at another bank. The link was from PCF to that other bank. And the PCF link did get established on Friday. Odd thing I noticed with the initiation of the transfer of funds from another bank, PCF required that I submit a date that is one day in the future. It didn't accept the same day which Tangerine does.
10:05 pm
October 21, 2013

1:52 pm
April 1, 2015

Loonie said
Sounds like you're not worth the trouble to Tangerine, implode, since you already moved out most of your money. They are calculating that you won't bring it back and leave it there for very long, which may be true.
Best to wait til the next best offer probably.
Lonnie : that sounds very possible that Tangerine is offering only certain clients the 1.75% on their balance, with the hope they don't move their money for 3 months to PCF.
On Friday when I called Tangerine they assured me my rate was 1.75%.
Implode: yes, I also know PCF allows transfer of funds to another bank for the next day as well.
Note that there might be two versions of the Tangerine offer where the net new deposit calculation goes back to January 1, 2015 (http://www.tangerine.ca/en/lan.....index.html) or April 1, 2015 (https://www.tangerine.ca/en/landing-page/springsavingsale/index.html)
Please write your comments in the forum.