12:53 pm
December 12, 2009

I thought I'd share with everyone from Scotiabank's fourth quarter 2013 conference call on Dec. 6th, archived here, that its Group Head, Canadian Banking, Anatol van Hahn, the person ultimately responsible for ING DIRECT Canada and to whom its President & CEO Peter Aceto would report, confirmed in the Q&A portion of the call the timeframe in which Tangerine would offer a credit card. It was not specified on whether that would likely be a VISA or MasterCard (those details will likely come out in late 2014 by Tangerine itself). However, Mr. van Hahn did confirm that they are targeting a firm launch date for the Tangerine credit card of mid-2015, not mid-2014 as had been widely reported by the press (erroneously) following ING DIRECT Canada's name change announcement on Nov. 5th.
It's interesting that of all the media outlets reporting the Nov. 5th name change announcement to Tangerine, only Bloomberg News got the launch date for the Tangerine credit card of 2015 correct, something I'd (and I assume others) thought was erroneous.
The official fourth quarter 2013 conference call transcript for Scotiabank should be posted on Morningstar soon. A direct link to the search results page to keep checking is available here:
Hope that helps,
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