9:39 am
November 29, 2011

6:27 pm
I like the research and pricing offered through Credential Direct. They are a partner with Credit Unions and can be found at http://www.credentialdirect.com or through a link found at the Achieva Financial web page.
7:07 pm
Honestly i dont see any place to invest $$$ with return rates more than 3% other than the stock market (ETF, mutual funds, index funds, and whatever i dont understand trading practices) with its risks. regular or high interest savings account / RRSPs / TFSA / GICs can't offer that much no matter where we lend our money. so if you are in the conservative side, then just keep on saving some of your income even if the interest rate is no good.
7:31 pm
gaby1 said:
Me too RSP account, have to move it Bob please tell me which discout brookers are best, please e_mail me or reply here. Thanks
I started with TradeFreedom (owned by Bank of Nova Scotia) @ 7.99 a trade, then BNS merged all 3 of their brokerage into iTrade and the rate went to 19.99 and they just did some magnificent upgrades (lol) and they slipped in another 25% increase to 24.95 per trade while tooting their horn ... I guess I was not supposed to notice!!! As I am not a trader with a lot of trades I have to pay the going rate, which is lower than a full line brokerage ..... but 7.99 to 19.99 to 24.95 is just plain GREED!!!!
Would like to hear from others what they are paying for a few trades a year.
Please write your comments in the forum.