1:04 pm
July 9, 2020

Anyone else get this? It's to the chequing account, so if you don't have such, likely no. Oddly, I haven't had a customer service call with Tangerine since late December. The $5 was deposited in my account today. (And why do I have a Tangerine chequing account you may ask -- just for linking to some other FIs that don't link to the Tangerine savings account.)
It’s important to us that our Clients receive top-notch service. So when our Clients have to wait longer than they should to talk to us, we aren’t happy.
We’re working on making improvements to help ensure every interaction is an amazing one, and learning from how we missed the mark is a big part of that.
Here’s a little “we’re sorry you had to wait so long” gesture that we hope will brighten your day: We’ve deposited $5 into your Tangerine Chequing Account as a small show of appreciation for your patience. Consider your next coffee, digital movie rental or treat on us!
Thanks again for choosing to bank with us.
Team Tangerine
5:33 pm
October 21, 2013

TD used to offer $5 if you had to wait in line more than five minutes. That was quite a few years ago.
With inflation, it should be about $25 now - and increasing daily!
Second offense, $50... and so on.
They could just take it off the CEO's salary where it wouldn't be noticed. I believe it's called "performance pay".
Please write your comments in the forum.