7:04 am
September 30, 2017

Some movements on Tangerine GICs rates today.
270 Day Guaranteed Investment 2.30% (up from previously 2.15%)
Tax-Free option not a bad idea for maturity by December
Also noted
1 Year Guaranteed Investment 2.10% (down from previously 2.15%)
1½ Year Guaranteed Investment 2.15% (down from previously 2.2%)
8:28 am
January 12, 2019

9:34 am
September 30, 2017

11:24 am
March 15, 2019

11:36 am
September 30, 2017

12:28 pm
September 30, 2017

2:47 pm
March 4, 2019

hwyc said
Is 2.30% not the best rate in the tax-free short-term GIC ( < 1 year ) category ?It is also the equivalent of ~3.54% in the non-registered category, assuming a combined personal income tax rate of 35%
Motive has a 2.4% TFSA savings account. Access CU has a 2.7% variable TFSA savings account. Steinbach CU has a 2.65% variable TFSA savings account. Rosenort CU offers 2.6% TFSA savings account and 2.9% for over 250k.
5:48 pm
October 17, 2018

7:06 pm
September 11, 2013

1 year rate in TFSAs is not a comparable as then you're stuck next Feb with whatever rate they offer whereas Tangerine's only locks you for about 9 months so you're free to remove before year-end to then recontribute where you want in 2021, as hwyc points out. Also savings account rates are not comparables either because those rates are not guaranteed.
Tangerine had to do something, I withdrew my over $6K TFSA with them on Feb 1 so they had to stop the bleeding!
Please write your comments in the forum.