This forum is a place for thoughtful, useful, and helpful discourse. These rules support that goal.
1. Be nice to each other! No swearing or derogatory comments allowed.
1a. No childish name calling, or disrespect against anyone, including the moderators & admins. Disagreeing with someone is one thing, but name calling is not tolerated here at all.
2. Feel free to correct anybody who gives misinformation, but remain polite, stick to the facts rather than focusing on the person's character, and give people the benefit of the doubt.
2a. People need time to reflect and process new information. You do not have to win every argument. There are plenty of other sites and platforms that tolerate aggressive arguing. This is not one of them.
3. Use the "Report post" button if you notice any suspicious or undesirable forum activity.
4. Don't be scared to ask something that might have already been asked. However, make use of the search functionality, accessed in the top left of the page. You might save yourself time waiting for a response if a similar question has already been answered.
5. Do not promote your product, service, or business on this forum. The moderators reserve the right to determine what is considered promotional. Representatives from financial institutions are welcome, but you must 1) disclose your affiliation; and 2) stick to explaining the facts and helping others.
5a. Spam includes spamming links included in your signature. There is a zero tolerance for spammers. All spammers will be banned.
6. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several forums). Double posts can and will be deleted without warning.
7. Do not post referral codes or advertise that people PM or email you so that you can provide them with a code. Requests for codes are allowed. In other words, you can say "please send me a code" but you cannot say "email me for a code".
8. Your input about this site itself is valued. Post comments, feedback, corrections, and so on in this sub-forum.
9. Please keep discussions in their proper forum.
10. There is a limit of 1 account per person.
11. What you post on this forum is permanently publicly available. You can edit your own post only until 1 hour has elapsed, or until someone has replied to that post.
12. This forum is moderated to maintain a civil and welcoming environment, something we have spent some time and years to foster. Moderator decisions are final.
13. When referencing other websites, link back to the source and do not copy the text in its entirety.
14. This is not a forum about politics. Whenever politics is related to a discussion, limit the political details to those affecting personal finance.
6:42 am
September 30, 2017
Please write your comments in the forum.