10:16 am
December 12, 2009

Ideal Savings and MAXA Financial should be removed from the HISA chart, effective immediately. Their parent organizations, being Carpathia Credit Union Limited and Westoba Credit Union Limited, respectively, have either (a) already been amalgamated legally into Access Credit Union Limited (in the case of Ideal Savings) or will be legally amalgamated into Assiniboine Credit Union Limited (in the case of the MAXA Financial) on or about July 1, 2024.
In the case of Ideal Savings, technology integration of Carpathia systems is scheduled for early June 2024, at which point the Ideal Savings brand will be fully retired and Ideal Savings members will become known as Hubert Financial members.
In the case of MAXA Financial members, amalgamation is certain to proceed and technological integration will likely occur any time from almost immediately to within six months, given the speed with which efficient Assiniboine collapsed the Implicity Financial brand into Outlook Financial a couple years ago.
Going forward, we will have a streamlined three direct Manitoba virtual banking divisions, being Achieva, Hubert, and Outlook (down from eight).
12:56 pm
January 12, 2019

4:56 pm
January 12, 2019

3:08 pm
March 21, 2022

Other financial institutions like ICICI Bank and Steinbach CU also need to be removed from the HISA lists. No one in this forum appears to have any dealings with these institutions for about two years now so why do they remain. There are other financial institutions that could be added to the list that members of this forum have some financial relationship with on a regular basis. It is time to clean up this list.
Please write your comments in the forum.