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Moya Financial Credit Union
June 20, 2024
1:24 pm
Karen Drnovscek
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
June 20, 2024
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


This is Karen a representative of Moya Financial Credit Union. We are located in Toronto. I was wondering if we could be added to your Chart/Promos etc. We currently have an FHSA 1 year for 5.65%. Our website is


June 22, 2024
7:44 am
Forum Posts: 962
Member Since:
September 7, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The HISA at Moya appears to be 1.4%. That is too low to make the HISA chart.

June 22, 2024
8:38 am
Forum Posts: 144
Member Since:
November 21, 2015
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Does not make the HISA chart, however would be great to have it under the "promos". That's where I go to fish when my GICs expire. Thank you.

June 22, 2024
8:48 am
BC Interior
Forum Posts: 3064
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October 27, 2013
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It is also rather small with under $400M in assets, #84* on the list of 100 largest CUs in Canada (excl Quebec), albeit it has seen nice growth.

Is there any criteria for minimum AUM to be included in the HISA/GIC charts on this site?


June 22, 2024
8:49 am
Forum Posts: 1520
Member Since:
February 7, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

It seems every ethnic community in Canada has its own FI.

Perhaps I should start one too for those of us with ancestors of pre-1700 settlers ...

Just kidding ...

June 22, 2024
11:06 am
Forum Posts: 6998
Member Since:
April 6, 2013
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julio said
Does not make the HISA chart, however would be great to have it under the "promos". That's where I go to fish when my GICs expire. Thank you.

I think the one-year 5¼% GIC promo rate for new money would be good for the promos listed below the GIC rates table.

Moya's current regular GIC rates don't merit inclusion in the GIC rates table. I see little value in adding rates that would rank near the bottom of the table and are lower than rates offered by RBC Royal Bank.

1-Year 2-Year 3-Year 4-Year 5-Year
Moya Financial 4.40% 4.20% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
RBC Royal Bank
(advertised special)
4.50% 4.20% 4.10%
RBC Royal Bank
(via online banking)
4.75% 4.45% 4.25% 4.20% 4.20%
June 22, 2024
12:37 pm
Forum Posts: 962
Member Since:
September 7, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

cgouimet said
It seems every ethnic community in Canada has its own FI.

Perhaps I should start one too for those of us with ancestors of pre-1700 settlers ...

Just kidding ...  

Unfortunately, Canada was not very accepting of newly arriving ethnic groups - so many of these communities were forced to form their own institutions to provide for and support their own. When the Canadian banks would not extend credit to these new and likely penniless immigrants, it became a necessity for the ethnic community to establish their own Credit Unions/FIs.

June 22, 2024
11:28 pm
Forum Posts: 1520
Member Since:
February 7, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

canadian.100 said

Unfortunately, Canada was not very accepting of newly arriving ethnic groups - so many of these communities were forced to form their own institutions to provide for and support their own. When the Canadian banks would not extend credit to these new and likely penniless immigrants, it became a necessity for the ethnic community to establish their own Credit Unions/FIs.  

Good point ...

June 23, 2024
11:13 am
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 4263
Member Since:
December 12, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Karen Drnovscek said

This is Karen a representative of Moya Financial Credit Union. We are located in Toronto. I was wondering if we could be added to your Chart/Promos etc. We currently have an FHSA 1 year for 5.65%. Our website is


We don't have a chart for First Home Savings Accounts. It's too niche a product to create one. To be eligible for inclusion into the HISA chart, your HISA would need to be accessible to all Canadians (perhaps talk to your Board of Directors about expanding your common bond of association?) and your HISA would need to be at least 2.5% currently).

Moya Financial may be eligible for inclusion in the regional Ontario-specific GIC charts.


June 25, 2024
11:17 am
Karen Drnovscek
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
June 20, 2024
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Doug,

We are partially bonded and thus have room for growth with our fellow Ontarians. If we could be included in the Ontario-specific GIC charts that would be great. As mentioned we are currently offering a promo of 5.25% 1 year non-redeemable for new money.


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