6:40 pm
December 12, 2009
A number of years ago, someone requested the "last 50 forum posts" page (https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/last-50/). I don't use it all that often but, occasionally, I take a gander and see if there's anything pressing I missed replying to.
On the page this evening, only the last 20 are displayed. Can we have it revert to the last 50?
10:09 pm
December 12, 2009
Hrm, I wondered if my ad blocker was interfering with this website so I disabled it for this domain name but still only see 20-21 posts/threads. It doesn't need to be "50 posts"; just the last "50 threads," basically. 🙂
Oh, are you saying the forum software is counting the "posts" within the threads and that's why only 21 threads are displayed on that page? That's odd.
Your workaround is a good one but I wonder if that might be something Simple::Press might be able to fix in a future release? Are you on the current version of Simple::Press, by the way, and how often do you update it?
1:31 pm
December 12, 2009
pooreva said
Is there a way to with one (OK, few but no more than 3-4) clicks make all recent post marked as 'read' in ALL topics? Â
Hi Eva,
Yep, I did that once last year when I knew I couldn't go through all the posts I hadn't read from prior absences.
See this screenshot:
Figure 1: Screenshot of top HighInterestSavings.ca menu
Click on the second icon to the right of the verbiage indicating number of unread topics.
Please write your comments in the forum.