8:02 am
February 20, 2013

dougjp said
Thanks mordko and Frugal Lady. She got an e-mail confirmation late yesterday that the rate is in effect. No details of which accounts are included or the starting balance (s?) beyond which the 5% would be paid.While I believe from the previous rate offer years ago, that she must be the primary holder, the good old Simplii website comes through in its usual fashion of non information, yet again! Meaning, when I login to Simplii and view the joint account, my name shows up first. When my wife logs in and views that same account, her name shows up first. Further details? Never.
So after seeing the obligatory "do not respond to this e-mail", off I go trying to see how she CAN respond to this e-mail/get basic info ! Forgetaboutit. Luckily, I printed out correspondence from 3 years ago, and there is a follow up e-mail: follow-up@simplii.com. I wonder if she will get a response or if it still exists. She "doesn't do" holding on the phone, all the while being told "your call is important to us"!
Instead of just logging into the joint account, have a look at the actual bank statement for the joint savings account and see whose name appears first.
10:17 am
January 9, 2011

frugal lady said
Instead of just logging into the joint account, have a look at the actual bank statement for the joint savings account and see whose name appears first.
That's where we both looked, viewing the eStatements. As far as I know, there is no other place where the account holder(s) name(s) show up on Simplii's site. The same statement shows the account names reversed depending on who logged in. I find that bizarre.
“The laziest man I ever met put popcorn in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves.”-W.C. Fields
11:45 am
September 8, 2018

I received the targeted offer too, got the confirmation email the following day. The fine print on the email says new money only, over and above the closing balance on Apr 30. I had transferred out all my funds Apr 27 via external pull but it didn't update on Simplii until May 1.
I just chatted with a rep to confirm -- the 5% offer is essentially useless to me since they show all the funds still with them on Apr 30. So always read the fine print! And next time push the funds out, don't do an external pull.
4:16 pm
April 6, 2013

That may not be the case.
Simplii takes a day to post pre-authorized debits. The dates shown on the online banking site are the posting dates and not the effective dates. The effective date of a pre-authorized debit is usually the business day before the date shown on the site.
The effective dates are shown on the Simplii monthly statements.
A pre-authorized debit posted Monday, May 1 is likely effective Friday, April 28. So, the funds could have been gone by Sunday, April 30.
One will need to check the April and May monthly statements.
7:05 am
January 7, 2020

mustang said
Just logged in, and was greeted by a pop up, informing that the interest for April 30 expiry promo, would be paid by May 12.
First, 3 alerts that the promo was expiring, and now advance notice of when the interest will be paid
Things ain't what they used to be
Simplii as good as their word on this one
They said they would deposit the promo interest by the May 12, and sure enough, it has been deposited this morning
10:29 am
May 28, 2013

I too just got this new 5% offer via email, but upon checking my balance with Simplii at the end of April, they were slow in transferring my monies out after the end of their last promo. Hence, my balance on that date is way too high to justify moving any money back to Simplii. My first $150K would not get the high 5% rate, just the crappy 0.4% rate.
Glad to see the promo interest did get deposited today.
1:31 pm
March 15, 2019

rhvic said
I too just got this new 5% offer via email, but upon checking my balance with Simplii at the end of April, they were slow in transferring my monies out after the end of their last promo. Hence, my balance on that date is way too high to justify moving any money back to Simplii. My first $150K would not get the high 5% rate, just the crappy 0.4% rate.Glad to see the promo interest did get deposited today.
Ditto. Maybe you and I are the last ones to get "targeted" because not enough clients ahead of us accepted the offer?
1:39 pm
February 7, 2019

I never had Simplii offers when I had accounts there and I no longer have an account there.
But we do have accounts at Tangerine and have had many offers in the past. In fact 2 overlapping ones through July. Because of the possibility of offers being for new money only, I always move all money out a week before the offer I'm on expires.
2:01 pm
January 9, 2011

dougjp said
That's where we both looked, viewing the eStatements. As far as I know, there is no other place where the account holder(s) name(s) show up on Simplii's site. The same statement shows the account names reversed depending on who logged in. I find that bizarre.
My wife phoned and eventually was told her savings and the joint savings are included in the offer. She insisted that something was sent in writing confirming that. What was sent was the same exact offer, nothing new, with no confirmations as requested. E-mails go unanswered.
I give up. There is no point trying to say in September that we should have got interest and didn't, based on a verbal only. And for no explicable reason, basic written detail/customer requested service is essentially refused.
Why would they do that? I can't deal with an organization that acts this way.
“The laziest man I ever met put popcorn in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves.”-W.C. Fields
2:20 pm
April 6, 2013

I suspect Simplii has issues with their confirmation e-mails being rejected by some ISP's as spam.
I've received e-mail confirmations of Simplii offers after I accept. But, people have reported that they never, even after calling Simplii and asking for the confirmation be sent again.
Hard to know who to blame: Simplii, a third party providing Simpiii's e-mail service, some ISP's, or clients accidentally configuring their mailbox to quietly discard Simplii's confirmation e-mails.
Please write your comments in the forum.