PC Financial launched photo cheque deposit on mobile APP
November 18, 2014
2:14 pm
2:14 pm
Forum Posts: 181
Member Since:
June 24, 2014
June 24, 2014

November 20, 2014
2:35 pm
2:35 pm
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 4306
Member Since:
December 12, 2009
December 12, 2009

Thanks, james!
Interesting no BlackBerry app. They should just take down their old BlackBerry app and no longer support it. Does anyone even use BlackBerry still?
For those keeping score: most credit unions, President's Choice Financial, Tangerine, CIBC and TD Canada Trust all have mobile cheque deposit capability. RBC Royal Bank is reportedly prepping something, likely in Q1 of 2015. Scotiabank, I suspect, will roll something out in mid- to late-2015, I suspect, followed by BMO Bank of Montreal & National Bank of Canada in 2016 (just a 'hunch'). As for the "also-ran" banks like HSBC and Laurentian Bank, don't expect anything in this area until probably...2020 (at the earliest).
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