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New client offer - earn 6.25% for 153 days
September 14, 2024
5:40 pm
Forum Posts: 328
Member Since:
November 5, 2022
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Alexandra said
I have gone into the Simplii account twice now just to check things out and both times, despite giving the correct debit card number and password it would not go in. So, both times I re-set my password with the same password and then
my account finally showed. I called them the first time it wouldn't work and the CSR directed me to change the password using the same one. sf-embarassed  

That is a bigtime BUG in the Simplii system, it happens a lot. Went through that a while back with tech support, everything. That is how they came up with the, reset your password with the same password method.
That works, but its a bug in their system.

Also I would never link from Simplii to an external bank account, their process is too antiquated. I would link from Tang or EQ, and do it that way.

September 14, 2024
7:03 pm
British Columbia
Forum Posts: 486
Member Since:
September 24, 2019
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InterestThis said

That is a bigtime BUG in the Simplii system, it happens a lot. Went through that a while back with tech support, everything. That is how they came up with the, reset your password with the same password method.
That works, but its a bug in their system.

Also I would never link from Simplii to an external bank account, their process is too antiquated. I would link from Tang or EQ, and do it that way.  

Wow, thanks. Learning something everyday about this bank. I've got until end of Oct with Tangerine getting the 5.75% so not desperate for a great rate to hold cash in yet. I have the three linked banks with Tangerine already but not with EQ. Do you know if one can link Simplii with Oaken? The application went through a week ago to link CIBC with Simplii, so not much I can do about that.
I'll give a small transfer a try first when the link appears.

Awhile back Loonie asked me to let him know how it went with Simplii as he is thinking of signing up in October.... no doubt with the 6.25%, others are contemplating the move as well. So just thought I would let everyone know about my personal experience!!

September 14, 2024
9:46 pm
Forum Posts: 922
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April 27, 2017
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JohnnyCash said

That's all very interesting, I still stand by my comments there are HSBC clients that have and will continue to make an exit. It seems that many were high net worth with significant international exposure. Those same clients will utilize their various waivers in the meantime while transitioning to other providers. So no, I was not referring to low value clients.  

RBC are going to extend their free VIP banking package to us for at least another 6 months after the first year expires. Like you say, they are worried about HSBC clients leaving. Our experience with RBC has been pretty good but I don’t see any reason to stay if they start charging $30 per month. I do have a business account with RBC, but for personal I would move to Simplii and WS. Already bank with them and not sure what RBC can do for my needs that they can’t.

September 16, 2024
2:30 am
Forum Posts: 1113
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November 18, 2017
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Alexandra: As recently as Friday, Oaken insists they can only link from the Oaken side, not from an external institution.

This may be a relatively recent change, though, as the Peoples Trust folks tell me they have many clients who link from their end to Oaken.

Or one or the other customer service line is not giving correct answers!


September 16, 2024
9:12 am
British Columbia
Forum Posts: 486
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September 24, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

RetirEd said
Alexandra: As recently as Friday, Oaken insists they can only link from the Oaken side, not from an external institution.

This may be a relatively recent change, though, as the Peoples Trust folks tell me they have many clients who link from their end to Oaken.

Or one or the other customer service line is not giving correct answers!  

RetirEd; So you are saying that I can link my Simplii savings account with Oaken?
In other words, I can transfer funds from Oaken account to Simplii and I can pull funds from Simplii into Oaken account (using Oaken bank to bank transfers for both types of transactions).

September 18, 2024
3:41 am
Forum Posts: 1113
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November 18, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Alexandra: I believe that to be correct - at least, within the possibilities that I'm getting correct information (I do transfers to and from other institutions via Oaken) AND that Simpli is on their approved list of FIs for transfer.


September 18, 2024
4:49 am
Forum Posts: 2961
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March 30, 2017
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Alexandra said

RetirEd; So you are saying that I can link my Simplii savings account with Oaken?
In other words, I can transfer funds from Oaken account to Simplii and I can pull funds from Simplii into Oaken account (using Oaken bank to bank transfers for both types of transactions).  

For what it's worth, linking Simplii with Tangerine works, while Tangerine and HSBC was a nightmare to setup, but no longer an issue as HSBC Canada is now history.
You have to try to do the actual linkage to see what happens and do a small transfer to test. I expect some links may turn out to be problematic.

September 18, 2024
5:11 pm
British Columbia
Forum Posts: 486
Member Since:
September 24, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

My Simplii update for 6.25 % HISA: Initial Application date: 30 Aug

Today 18 Sept: My CIBC chequing account has now been successfully linked to Simplii HISA.

Transferred into HISA $25.00 from CIBC today without a hitch.

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