Scotiabank drops the ball with "Smart Investor" launch | Scotiabank | Discussion forum

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Scotiabank drops the ball with "Smart Investor" launch
February 8, 2023
6:28 am
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
May 21, 2021
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

On February 1, 2023 the previous BNS account detail links were replaced with the so-called "Scotia Smart Investor". The bank was so pleased with themselves that they issued press releases touting this change, claiming that it "empowers customers to take more control over their investments".

One week later, and all of the following previously available information is incorrect or unavailable:
-The detailed holdings dollar totals, including GICs, do not equal the displayed account grand total (1 day out of date)
-No access to unit quantities
-No access to average cost per unit
-No access to market price per unit
-No access to book value

While Scotiabank has included a disclaimer reading "Updates for the Smart Investor investment details page are currently under development", it is beyond belief that something this flawed could be released. Are any others experiencing these, or other, problems?

Be advised that this is my first ever post, and please let me know if any protocols have not been properly adhered to.

February 8, 2023
5:48 pm
Forum Posts: 45
Member Since:
December 21, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

CHISA99sjf said
On February 1, 2023 the previous BNS account detail links were replaced with the so-called "Scotia Smart Investor". The bank was so pleased with themselves that they issued press releases touting this change, claiming that it "empowers customers to take more control over their investments".

One week later, and all of the following previously available information is incorrect or unavailable:
-The detailed holdings dollar totals, including GICs, do not equal the displayed account grand total (1 day out of date)
-No access to unit quantities
-No access to average cost per unit
-No access to market price per unit
-No access to book value

While Scotiabank has included a disclaimer reading "Updates for the Smart Investor investment details page are currently under development", it is beyond belief that something this flawed could be released. Are any others experiencing these, or other, problems?

Be advised that this is my first ever post, and please let me know if any protocols have not been properly adhered to.  

I’m pretty new to the site myself…looks ok to me. Funny how I just posted a note about how terrible my experiences were with both Scotiabank and iTrade and noticed your post. Wait until you experience their CSC when there’s an issue, you’ll be moving your money!

Please write your comments in the forum.