7:05 am
April 27, 2022

Saven has a frustrating awful website. In no specific order:
- Can't log in with Firefox or Chrome (and yes, adblock/tracking has been disabled)
- Web chat doesn't connect
- Phone chat goes to a disconnected beep
- Can't send etransfers: "Banking Host/UCS Timeout"
- Takes forever to connect an external account, often timing out and prompts you to do it again.
- There's no bill payment option
- Website is unbearingly slow
Mostly a vent post, but common... if there is this many obstacles just trying to access my account, it doesn't matter if the savings percent is high, people will stop using and go elsewhere.
7:26 am
December 27, 2021

I've had the same problems with Chrome. It won't log in under any circumstance which is very unusual. It does work with Edge, but I don't use Edge. Spent a lot of time with customer service trying to resolve, to no avail. So I use the ios App exclusively now.
My issues are their slow and invisible processes. If I initiate a transfer today the record disappears as it's "finished" so I can't see it until the transaction occurs. Five days later. Not very useful.
6:47 pm
November 18, 2017

I can't believe anyone would do on-line banking with any site that prohibits ad-blocking! They are making money off of you directly and don't need any ad revenue at your expense.
Ads are full of bad cookies, tracking tricks, drive-by downloads and attack software scripts and have NO business being anywhere near one's finances. I urge you all to tell them this. In writing, ideally. Frequently. Angrily. Karen-ally! Beverly-Goldberg-ally!
My computer is set up with a hosts file I craft and maintain to block any and all ads I encounter. This is a web standard for all browsers. Once set up (you can use a standard list as a starter, like the one at:
...) and go on from there. Note that some operating systems protect their host file and you may have to reset its permissions once.
Any web site looking for known ad blockers will not see this, though those using a test ad will (mostly dating, porn and gambling ones ). So far, I have never been stopped on the web with this setup.
Note that some same-site-hosted ads cannot be blocked this way. IMDB is a good example of this; a few external ads are blocked, but those they host directly show anyway.
I also universally recommend setting your browser to delete all cookies when the browser shuts down. There are only a very few sites that won't work without persistent cookies, and you can list them as exceptions. I admit that many users won't want to learn to do this, but it's well explained on-line. You only have to do it once per site.
6:52 pm
November 18, 2017

6:01 am
March 30, 2017

Are you guys sure about the need to disable ad blocker and pop up screen to access the mentioned FI ??
For me, certain sites will not work with VPN which is understandable.
My Chrome is setup to block pop-up ads and I am able to access all without issues as long as I turn off my VPN.
More and more sites will not work if behind a VPN. Their logic is to reduce chance of cyber attack I guess... Even Walmart will show NaN for price if you are behind a VPN...
11:58 am
November 18, 2017

The chief business reason to deny VPN access is to enable price or eligibility differences based on geographic location.
Remember, on the web prices are not equal for everyone and everywhere. On sites like most travel ones or - worst of all - Amazon, every price request is evaluated individually to squeeze the maximum out of every client.
It's even a common practice to charge those using Apple computers more than other folk!
5:40 pm
April 28, 2022

Had the similar login issues before and after the multi-day fix. Was told to turn off all adblockers and not use a password manager since all user IDs and passwords had to be manually typed in. After many tries finally got to set up account funding plus $25 membership fee via Interac and e-signed the agreement; or so I thought. However, during the printing of that agreement, I was timed out. Signed in again and was then requested to fill out the same account funding membership details again. Stopped and called customer service. Was then told the Interac transfers did not go through and that I would have to do the funding and membership all over again. Not sure that I will go ahead now given the issues others have reported and I experienced. My impression was that the attitude was take it or leave it.
1:35 am
November 18, 2017

Please write your comments in the forum.