12:33 pm
September 29, 2020
1:01 pm
November 7, 2014
In many cases you either have to reside or have a business address in the province in question in order to sign up. At some time during the application process you will be denied membership if you fail the requirements. This denial could be in the form of the actual programme denying progress towards membership or, ultimately, a call from a representative to clarify your status. A P.O. Box number is recognized as a "red flag" in the process and will definitely be questioned. These are financial institutions we are dealing with and they have regulatory bodies to answer to. You have to demonstrate clear proof of where you live.
3:53 pm
December 12, 2009
piggybank said
Saven is "Ontario only". What happens if a non-Ontarian tries to register anyway?If you have a mailing address (e.g. a PO Box) would that work?
P.O. box, almost certainly not, as even Ontarians have to provide a residential address if providing a P.O. box as a mailing address. A better strategy would be to be a "guinea pig" for us and try using a non-Ontario address and ticking the box to declare yourself as an Ontario resident. If it's anything like Windsor Family Credit Union and OmniaDirect, which are both notionally restricted to Ontario residents, non-Ontario residents can probably, unofficially, sign up, as there have been reports of Alberta residents signing up for OmniaDirect and, possibly, parent WFCU.
3:52 pm
October 27, 2013
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