6:29 pm
January 9, 2021

Thru work, I have GWL RRSP, roughly divided 70-80% (somewhat equally) into US Equities and Global Equities, and 20-30% into a Blackrock fund (same on the DPSP side). Lately hearing all sorts of things - hyperinflation, recession, etc,; not sure what to expect. Wondering if I can get some thoughts on where we are headed, and what sort of accounts I should park my money in, should these scenarios play out: Bond fund? Money Market? Other thoughts? GWL advisor was saying stick with Blackrock funds. I'm thinking if the markets tumble, that the Money markets might be the way to go to preserve cash, but not very savvy about this, hoping to get some advice. Precious Metals are not an available option.
9:28 am
September 11, 2013

Your (and my) guess as to "where we are headed" will be as good as anyone else's, so if you want to try to predict what's up the road my advice is just act based on whatever you think is going to happen. Otherwise there are basic principles of long-term investing (e.g. diversification) easily found anywhere and that it appears you might already be following.
7:56 am
April 6, 2013

Hyperinflation. Recession. Who is talking the end of the world again?
If it is some economist, then one should just ignore the talk and continue investing for the long term. That's because economists tend to be way off in their predictions. See my previous post about Batra and Rubin.
Wasn't there an economist who appeared regularly in the Globe & Mail the last few years touting recession and market crash? If it wasn't for the COVID-19 virus, we would all be still waiting for the recession and crash.
5:56 pm
October 21, 2013

7:52 am
November 18, 2017

9:31 am
September 11, 2013

9:49 am
December 27, 2020

We all wish we had a crystal ball but, IMO, something has to give soon. The flourishing market mainly based on Government incentives scares me; especially with the fall-out from covid. Right now I have roughly invested 40 percent in GICs and the rest in mostly conservative equity funds. Though the funds are mostly considered low risk they are still vulnerable to a recession that will come. The question is when. Most analysts seem to think we should be wary of the market beginning in the second half of 2021.
I will have GIC's maturing at various times over the next few years so some difficult decisions ahead.
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