12:13 am
October 21, 2013

I want to start a RIF at Hubert and will be transferring funds in.
On their "forms" page, I find a Transfer form and a Beneficiary form, but I don't find any kind of form which sets up the RIF.
At other (bricks and mortar) FIs, when you open an RIF, there are places where you can indicate if you want the payments to start this year or next (if you are not yet turning 71) and also, more importantly to me, where you can specify if you want the mandatory minimum withdrawals to be pegged to your own age or your spouse's age. I want to use spouse's age but there is no place where I can put this in writing as far as I can see.
I want something in writing which verifies my decision, as the law does not permit this to be changed at a later date.
Since Hubert does not send out GIC certificates, I am concerned that it may turn out that no verification is available. This doesn't sit well with me.
Has anyone else encountered this problem, and, if so, how did you resolve it?
5:23 am
September 11, 2013

6:03 am
February 27, 2018

Those are the only hubert forms that i could find. Maybe they use the same auto transfer form for all transactions (top left).
9:23 am
October 21, 2013

I did consider that form, Kidd. Even if they do use it, it doesn't allow for any input about payout from the RIF, e.g. whose birthdate, or whether payout is to be annual or monthly etc.
Had I not encountered even worse problems earlier with Tangerine in this regard, I might be willing to go with a phone conversation, but I want somehting which I can fill out in writing and sign at the time I direct the conversion to be made. If they have such a form, it should be on the Forms page with the others. (Tangerine, for example, said, among other things, that they have no such form; and also refused to take verbal direction.)
Is there nobody here who has an RIF with Hubert?
Hubert was slow to offer RIFs, so I'm wondering if they're not completely up to speed with them yet.
Please write your comments in the forum.