7:17 pm
May 5, 2022

To help grow your savings faster you will earn 2.50% interest on new funds deposited to your existing eligible RBC High Interest eSavings Account between May 5th, 2022 to July 31st, 2022.
To get started, simply move your money into your eligible account which you can do in a number of ways:
Directly transfer funds from another financial institution
Use the RBC Mobile app to deposit a cheque
Visit a branch to deposit your funds
This offer applies to all new funds deposited during the above period from outside RBC.
7:55 am
April 30, 2022

RetirEd said
Royal likes to boast of winning banking awards. They are referring to the industry recognition they get for creative new fees and charges.
LOL those awards are so bogus. It's like self-pitching a home run and then thinking you're Vlad Jr.
I'm not a fan of a lot of what RBC does -- including the fact that they're going to increase registered and non-registered external transfers to $150 -- but emotions aside the 2.5% e-savings offer (which sparked this thread) is not bad.
You just gotta make sure that you push funds directly into the e-savings account, and not first to another RBC savings/chequing account and then to the e-savings account. RBC won't connect the dots.
7:57 am
October 17, 2018

RetirEd said
Royal likes to boast of winning banking awards. They are referring to the industry recognition they get for creative new fees and charges.
Like these: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/forum/rbc-royal-bank/transfer-out-fee/
9:43 am
May 28, 2013

10:40 am
April 21, 2022

rhvic said
Did this offer of 2.5% come via email to selected customers only? I am an RBC client and I did not receive anything from them about this. If it is on their web site, please provide a link.Thanks.
The offer on the RBC website is for new eSavings clients only. Those that received the email offer as existing eSavings clients were specifically targeted.
See the FAQs at the bottom of the link below:
11:49 am
December 18, 2019

I can never get through to RBC to find out current rates and they do not publish them asking to call, but unless you get a question of their choice they hang up!!! What a vicious circle! Does anyone know a direct line that will get a live person? Trying to check the current RBC HIeSA interest rates. I had it opened before so don't qualify for 4.5% - thank you
4:30 pm
October 21, 2013

4:38 pm
September 7, 2018

Loonie said
Why would you want to do business with an FI that treats you so badly?
I have dealt with such FIs when I thought the interest rate was great - and I presume that is the same reason that the poster did business with such. Sometimes, in life, we need to overlook the negative when the positive outweighs the negative.
4:42 pm
April 6, 2013

The rate on the RBC High Interest eSavings is currently 1.1%.
Personal Accounts Interest Rates has the rates of their personal bank accounts.
Savings Accounts has the savings account rates at a glance.
7:09 pm
October 21, 2013

2:48 am
November 18, 2017

Financial institutions, like many other businesses, have been moving for some years to avoid speaking to customers by phone. All calls now go to call centres, not individual branches, and waiting times are managed to discourage callers. In fact, I've noticed that many (Tangerine for one) now routinely play you the "unusually high call volumes" line even when your call is then answered immediately - no doubt in hopes of getting callers to give up.
Have you noticed that ads and mailings for phone providers such as Rogers, Telus and Shaw often do not provide a phone number to call, just a web URL? Even internet service ads often do that, despite the idiocy of hoping people who don't have internet service will contact them by internet! Not to mention how long it takes to get through to phone providers - routinely over an hour!
On two occasions, when a visit to a branch has resulted in me being given a direct number to a staffer or manager for a specific issue, later attempts to call that number (always polite, cheery and helpful) are rebuffed with "Don't use this number. You shouldn't have been given it." Scotiabank and Royal, I think, were the offenders. (I only used Royal briefly after they took over my Ally GICs, and I was trying to arrange final cash-out without any fees. They denied the existence of direct debit and in the end I was able to do it from another institution after getting the institution and branch numbers on-line, then going to the branch to close the account. Royal REALLY wanted to get some fees out of me after having to honor the terms of the Ally assets.)
But, on top of that, I don't bother dealing with outfits that use "targeted" strategies. I want transparent and fair terms. I do miss Ally.
Please write your comments in the forum.