12:24 pm
April 6, 2013

Not quite a HISA. But, the Royal Bank one-year cashable 1.8% GIC is close.
It can be partially or fully cashed anytime. Interest earned to date is paid if held for at least 30 days.
Globe & Mail writer Rob Carrick mentioned it in his column GICs with an escape hatch for the indecisive investor.
3:02 pm
March 8, 2022

The Hubert’s One Year Term is better, the caveat being interest is paid every 90 days.
The first three months: 3.05%*
Months four to six: 3.15%*
Months seven to nine: 3.25%*
The last three months: 3.35%*
3:54 pm
January 12, 2019

Norman1 said
Not quite a HISA. But, the Royal Bank one-year cashable 1.8% GIC is close.
It can be partially or fully cashed anytime. Interest earned to date is paid if held for at least 30 days.
Globe & Mail writer Rob Carrick mentioned it in his column GICs with an escape hatch for the indecisive investor.
With those ⬆ highlighted features , it's basically a 'GIC/HISA Hybrid'.
And compared to other HISAs (https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/chart/), that 1.80% rate is nothing to sneeze at ❗
Good Find, Norman.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
9:50 pm
April 6, 2013

The Parama cashable 2½% one-yr GIC is a special only for new money:
New deposits transferring from another financial institution only. … Cashable GICs are subject to a 60 day investment period before redemption can be made. Fixed term GICs are non-redeemable. …
Not sure if it is the 2½% rate that is only for new money or that their cashable GICs are only for new money!
10:01 pm
April 6, 2013

CIBC also has a special 2% rate (normally 1.4%) for their CIBC Flexible GIC.
Similar to RBC. Cashable anytime. With accrued interest if held for at least 30 days.
These cashable GIC's from TD, RBC, and CIBC would be particularly handy for those residing in Quebec who can't open some of the higher paying HISA's.
7:19 am
January 28, 2015

8:20 pm
January 12, 2019

mechone said
Rbc direct investing 1year 3.5%
Norman would be right (Post #8). That ⬆ GIC is non-cashable.
As most of us know, Cashable and Non-cashable GICs are two different Breeds, and not really directly comparable.
We should probably stick to 'Apples vs Apples'.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
4:22 pm
January 28, 2015

AllanB said
Rbc Direct 1yr non-redeem as of Friday, June 3 end of day 3.25% there's no Sat Jun 4th quote.
Will you obviously don't know how to reshearch rates because it was 3.5% june 3rd /4thand today its 3.54% for 1 year GIC .Go to holdings at the top Research /fixed income / drop down window switch from bonds to top GIC rates 3.54% 1 year
2 year 4.09 3 year 4.13
4:31 pm
January 28, 2015

mechone said
Will you obviously don't know how to reshearch rates because it was 3.5% june 3rd /4thand today its 3.54% for 1 year GIC .Go to holdings at the top Research /fixed income / drop down window switch from bonds to top GIC rates 3.54% 1 year
2 year 4.09 3 year 4.13
And if you're talking about cashable why would you ? You can get 2% in savings account at motive paid monthly fully open
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