8:42 am
December 20, 2016

As of today, noticed that Peoples Trust 15 month GIC is down to 3.0% from 3.1%
7:17 pm
January 12, 2019

No offence, but with the recent major stock market correction that happened earlier this year, I can't get too excited about Terms & GICs right now ... especially when I'm in it for the 'Looong' Term.
All my 'Blue Chip' Stocks & ETFs are yielding 'Tax-Favored' 4-7% in Dividends, with Capital Gains to follow.
Yes, I do keep some $$$ in HISA's and HI-GIC's, but right now I favour 'High-Dividend' Blue Chips/ETFs.
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
7:06 am
February 20, 2018

GR said
Alert: The rate of 3% p.a. for 15 months non-registered GICs is expected to decrease after this week.
Still 3 nice call
Is this a name one can be over cdic for a year in the current global volatility n possible recession
Whose a better credit peoples or oaken or eq
If somethin happened they may allow restructure to bank side like oaken
7:39 am
December 20, 2016

There has been no official notification or alert, to my knowledge the 3% / 15 month GIC rate is imminently decreasing, although it is quite possible, given the environment. I don't believe Peoples Trust sends out an advance alert announcing rate changes...frequent monitoring of their rate page is best, for anyone interested.
By completing an online application for one of these GIC's to be funded by a mailed in cheque or future EFT, Peoples Trust will hold the rate for about 10 days (to be confirmed, of course, with a phone call to one of their CSR's.
I've successfully done this a few times.
I feel more comfortable keeping my deposits with Peoples Trust within CDIC limits.
1:00 pm
October 21, 2013

I noticed a couple of days ago that their website still advertised the 15 month 3% GIC, but had added something like "Ends soon", so I think it likely that it will indeed end at the end of September.
When I spoke to one of their people in early August, I gathered from the way he spoke that Peoples would likely end it at the end of a month. At that time, he said it had been supposed to end at end of July, but then they extended it, and he thought it would be good until end of August - just his personal opinion based on how they tend to operate.
I agree with Stephen on keeping it within CDIC. I imagine you could extend coverage by opening a joint GIC if needed. It's true that you can effectively hold the rate by applying for the GIC online even before your account application is approved.
1:30 pm
February 20, 2018

6:05 am
April 6, 2013

Loonie said
I noticed a couple of days ago that their website still advertised the 15 month 3% GIC, but had added something like "Ends soon", so I think it likely that it will indeed end at the end of September.
Could be. I saw this banner ad with "Ending soon" decoration in the top right corner:
Clicking the ad leads to this GIC 15 page promoting their 15-month 3% GIC, with big "Ending Soon!" text on the left.
Please write your comments in the forum.