4:49 pm
February 20, 2013

6:46 pm
December 12, 2009

Thanks for the update, frugal lady. I've never been a fan of "bonus interest" gimmicks except on GICs (i.e., so-called "scratch & win" offers the likes of Canadian Western Bank use) and especially not on TFSAs as you have to fill out a T2033 form to transfer it out - or wait until December to transfer out and re-contribute in January of the next year at the new FI. I think the FIs should set their rates accordingly, not artificially high either with so-called "bait and switch" tactics or "teaser rates" (at least Ally was good for keeping their word on not using those), and let the "chips fall where they may".
3:28 pm
December 12, 2009

Update: My bad, frugal lady. I was confused and thought you meant the sneaky, promotional offers were being discontinued and I did a little "happy dance". Peter, the forum administrator, clarified to me that it is the anniversary interest (based on the length of time being a PC Financial account holder/customer) that is being discontinued. That is indeed unfortunate. ;(
Please write your comments in the forum.