2:13 pm
January 12, 2019

Well, it appears that LK has 'Left The Ranch', so I'll carry on with what
I've been doing . . .
Dean said
I just received a response to the email I sent to Oaken yesterday . . .
.Hi Dean,
Thank you for your message.
Unfortunately, some external institutions are not currently available to link through Digital banking.
To link an institution that is not listed on our platform, please provide us a void cheque or preauthorized debit form along with a bank statement of the account you want to link.
In addition, please provide us a signed letter of direction via email attachment.
You can email the documents to us at service@oaken.com or mail them to our office at 145 King Street West, Suite 2500, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J8
Kind regards,
Customer Care Specialist /Contact Centre
Home Trust Company
And my response was . . .
- Thank-you for your reply, Richie.
Please understand that my intent here is to transfer funds from my Motive savings account to my Oaken savings account, so I can invest in more Oaken GICs.
Respectfully, the solution you're offering me is very 'Old School', and I'm not prepared to jump through all those antiquated hoops ... nor should I have to.
As you may be aware, Motive Financial is a major online FI, owned by Canadian Western Bank. To have Motive excluded from Oaken's Digital Banking system for linking external accounts, is a Major Shortcoming. This is Especially true, when taken into account that Oaken doesn't provide a means for linking Oaken accounts at other FIs.
Oaken should be providing an external link option for Motive Financial through their Digital Banking System (via Flicks). That this still hasn't been done, is 'Very Disappointing'.
I would ask that you refer this matter to Oaken Management, as both a Concern and Constructive Complaint.
Please keep me posted on what they plan to do about this matter, and/or ask them to contact me directly.
Thank-you again,
Dean *******
And Oaken's response to that was . . .
Good afternoon Dean,
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm receipt of your latest email and that it has been forwarded to our management team for review.
We do apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.
Kind regards,
Customer Care Specialist /Contact Centre
Home Trust Company
So now I wait.
And Yes ... I fully realize that I may just be wasting my time here, but like
they say; "You can't win the lottery, if you don't play".
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
8:57 am
January 12, 2019

Well ... in this case it seems a little diligence & patients pays !
I have received this email back from Oaken . . .
- Good afternoon Dean,
I just want to provide you an update.
I have just received confirmation that Motive Financial is now an option to link on Flinks.
Kind regards,
Customer Care Specialist /Contact Centre
Home Trust Company
I haven't linked my Motive account in Oaken yet, but I have confirmed that Motive Financial is now one of the options in their Flinks system. It can be found on their Flinks page, using the Search function. Give it a try, if you like.
All's Well That Ends Well.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
4:58 pm
July 9, 2020

Dean: I left the ranch for a bit but back now.
I just checked Oaken this afternoon, and thanks to your persistence, I found Motive now listed on Oaken's Flicks (you need do a manual search for "Motive", it will show up). However, I can't get past the two-factor -- I keep entering a token, waiting 2 minutes, then it says to enter a token, which I do, wait, repeat.
After four repeats, I got this:
"Your CAD/USD chequing or savings accounts are not eligible for fund transfers. Please retry with another login or with another institution."
10:19 am
January 12, 2019

Welcome back to 'The Ranch', LK ⬆
Sorry for the tardy response. With the general lack of interest in this Topic, I had stopped monitoring it. It appears we are the only ones here who are interested in this.
'Yes', after some prodding Oaken did add Motive as an option to their Flinks external account linking system, and 'Yes' it appears that it is Faultily (i.e. It Doesn't Work ! ).
So in the end, Oaken has so far accomplished nothing in this matter, but the fault appears to lie with Flinks.
Have you checked with Motive to confirm that the message Flinks is giving you ("Your CAD/USD chequing or savings accounts are not eligible for fund transfers.") is Bogus ?
And on the other end ... a Formal concern/complaint to Oaken may be warranted.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
9:14 am
January 12, 2019

10:25 am
December 12, 2020

10:23 am
January 12, 2019

Hey there ⬆ Victor6433 ... welcome to this Very Small (almost nonexistent),
Elite Club.
I hope you're not going to quickly give-up, and just walk away. Nothing will get accomplished by that.
I learned a while ago ... when dealing with Oaken; "The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease".
Give Oaken a call (or email: service@oaken.com), and let them know that the Flinks link to Motive 'Still' isn't working right, and give them the details of the problem.
If history serves ... Oaken will pass the problem onto Flinks, and they'll Fix it !
Let us know how it goes, eh.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
11:45 am
December 12, 2020

11:01 am
December 12, 2020

Good morning, Victor.
Please note that the Oaken account cannot be linked from your external bank and funds transfers are process through the Oaken site.
To link banking information at Oaken, please provide us with an original VOID personal cheque (embossed with your name) or pre-authorized debit form along with a signed Letter of Direction to service@oaken.com, or by mail to Oaken Financial at 145 King Street West Suite 2500 Toronto ON M5H 1J8.
To linking your external bank account through Oaken digital – (select the Transfers tab then link my external account).
If the institution does not appear in the list online or you are receiving an error message, please submit a void cheque or bank stamped pre-authorized deposit form along with your signed request .
It's not happening the easy way.. Funny though I could've linked the TFSA account but nothing else...
11:57 am
January 12, 2019

Hmmm ... that ⬆ almost reads like an Oaken 'canned response'.
I'm guessing they're not sure what you're asking for, or maybe you got a response from a Newbie CSR.
Did you explain that the Flinks link for Motive Financial is there in the Oaken transfers system, but it just doesn't work properly and needs to be fixed ?
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
Please write your comments in the forum.