5:37 am
October 22, 2015

I had two GIC's renewing with Oaken in September. Both were set to renew again for another 18 months, which at the time was the best rate. When I checked the renewal they had both been renewed for 1 year. I called and the issue was rectified and the renewal was changed to the correct term of 18 months.
I had another GIC come due yesterday. It was a 2 year term and I had set it to renew for another 2 years as again that was the best term. I checked this morning and it had only been renewed for a year. WTH? I called Oaken and the rep said this was an IT issue that they were aware of.
If you have any GIC's set to renew with Oaken, please check them, it's an issue that is always in their favor.
8:40 am
January 12, 2019

Thanks for the Heads-Up ⬆
As for myself ... I've been in the habit of Not using the GIC auto-renewal option(s) for quite some time now. I find that handling the situations
myself (manually), avoids any Hiccups that may come along (I learned
the Hard way ).
'To Each, Their Own'
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
8:42 am
October 22, 2015

9:53 am
January 12, 2019

9:56 am
October 22, 2015

12:03 pm
November 18, 2017

As fabafter50 noted, live conversation makes it easier to make sure one was understood and catch errors. I have the time to put into managing my assets.
I always either call or, where some things can't be done on line, visit an office. Living in a big city (Vancouver) makes this easier for me than for more remote dwellers. I wait on the line until things are completed; things left on the to-do pile in an agent's office aren't in their memory when later comes to pass.
Please write your comments in the forum.