3:49 am
April 28, 2017

What are the chances that $200k currently insured entirely by CDIC under Home Trust and Home Bank ($100k each) become voulnerable after being bought by another FI, honoring existing GICs contracts but rebranding under one umbrella / underwriter ?
Wouldn't $100k become in jeopardy should the new FI go under?
6:45 am
April 6, 2013

When CDIC member institutions amalgamate, the deposits in the amalgamating members remain separate deposits afterwards, for the purposes of CDIC insurance. This is from Section 13 of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act:
Deposits with amalgamating institutions
13 (1) Where a person has deposits with two or more member institutions that amalgamate and continue in operation as one member institution, in this section referred to as the “amalgamated institution”, a deposit of that person with an amalgamating institution on the day on which the amalgamated institution is formed, less any withdrawals from the deposit, shall, for the purpose of deposit insurance with the Corporation, be deemed to be and continue to be separate from any deposit of that person on that day with the other amalgamating institution or institutions that become part of the amalgamated institution.
Deposits with amalgamated institution
(2) A deposit made by a person referred to in subsection (1) with an amalgamated institution after the day on which the amalgamated institution is formed shall be insured by the Corporation only to the extent that the aggregate of that person’s deposits with the amalgamated institution, exclusive of the deposit in respect of which the calculation is made, is less than one hundred thousand dollars.
Section 12 insures each individual deposit up to $100,000:
Duty to insure
12 The Corporation [CDIC] shall insure each deposit with a member institution except
(a) a deposit that is not payable in Canada or in Canadian currency;
(b) a deposit in respect of which Her Majesty in right of Canada would be a preferred claimant; and
(c) so much of any one deposit as exceeds one hundred thousand dollars.
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