8:50 am
January 12, 2019

Dean said
The next time it's updated, those ⬆ new long term rates should put Oaken at the top of the GIC Chart again: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/gic-rates/At this rate, it won't be long before the best 5yr GIC rates break past the 4% mark ❗
Patience Pays
Well as of today, Oaken's 5yr GIC has already made to the 4% mark.
Any guesses on when it will make it to 5% ❓
I'm guessing by late this summer.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
6:15 am
February 7, 2019

Please note that effective Friday, April 22, 2022, we will be increasing the interest rate for the Oaken short-term, long-term and Cashable GICs as noted below:
Cashable GICs:
30 days - 1.70% (currently 1.60%)
90 days - 2.00% (currently 1.70%)
Short-Term GICs:
30 days - 1.70% (currently 1.60%)
60 days - 1.75% (currently 1.65%)
90 days – 2.00% (currently 1.70%)
120 days – 2.10% (currently 1.75%)
180 days – 2.20% (currently 1.80%)
270 days – 2.30% (currently 1.85%)
Long-term GICs:
1 Year GIC – 3.10% (currently 2.80%)
18 Months GIC – 3.30% (currently 3.10%)
2 Years GIC – 3.70% (currently 3.45%)
3 Years GIC – 4.05% (currently 3.80%)
4 Years GIC – 4.05% (currently 3.85%)
5 Years GIC – 4.10% (currently 4.00%)
7:56 am
March 30, 2017

7:58 am
November 8, 2021

8:03 am
October 21, 2013

savemoresaveoften said
Looks like a lot of the FIs are trying to get people to lock in to the 2-3 yr term, offering outside rate for those 2 specific terms.
Maybe, but if I were looking for a loan (which I'm not), I'd be wanting the five year term unless I could pay it off sooner. Perhaps most people see the current situation as a blip.
9:54 am
January 12, 2019

BlueSky said
Seems like Oaken is taking a bold, lead role in rates. So far, in general, they're ahead of the pack.
Historically, Oaken has almost always been in the top 25% of the GIC Chart here on this website. And they are very often in one of the top three spots. After the GIC Chart is updated, they will be #1 again ⬇
Of course, another longtime top GIC contender is EQ Bank. I have accounts with them as well. But I still refuse to have any Registered $$$ with Oaken, for reasons that have already been beat to death many times before, in these forums.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
11:23 am
October 27, 2013

Oaken (Home Capital Group) probably has to keep trying harder given their 2017 near death experience. They have ground to make back up and are likely sacrificing some net interest margin in this re-building effort. It could be paying off given the March 2022 boost in credit ratings (Home Trust to BBB from BBB-) and HCG overall to BBB- from BB+. They are back to investment grade.
1:46 pm
January 12, 2019

I hear ya, AltaRed ⬆
But if Oaken is so desperate to make up for the Scape they got in (back in '17) why haven't they got rid of some of their 'Warts' people complain about?
- Eg.
No registered savings accounts, a small/limited number of FI's in their External Accounts listing, etc. ...
High rates or not, for some of us here, they still have a lot of work to do ❗
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
2:12 pm
October 21, 2013

5:06 am
February 7, 2019

Effective May 11, 2022, we will be increasing the interest rate for the Oaken short-term and long-term GICs as noted below:
Short-Term GICs:
270 days – 2.70% (currently 2.30%)
Long-term GICs:
1 Year GIC – 3.25% (currently 3.10%)
18 Months GIC – 3.50% (currently 3.30%)
2 Years GIC – 3.90% (currently 3.70%)
3 Years GIC – 4.10% (currently 4.05%)
4 Years GIC – 4.15% (currently 4.05%)
5 Years GIC – 4.15% (currently 4.10%)
These new rates will be applied automatically for all corresponding GICs booked on Wednesday, May 4th, 2022 or later. All other Oaken rates will remain unchanged.
I booked some on May 2!
8:52 am
January 12, 2019

That'll ⬆ put Oaken back at the top (https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/gic-rates/) later today. And EQ Bank will soon be sure to follow !
The Down Side, is the dirty word ... 'Inflation'
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
9:33 am
September 24, 2019

In order to even things out a bit, I purchased a 3yr GIC @4.05% with Oaken two days ago. Today the 3yr term went up to 4.10%. So I called to request they up my new GIC to the 4.10%. She said they would automatically put it up to that rate as long as I purchased the GIC on the 4th of May or later. So that is nice to know.
Also, it took about 15 seconds after pressing a few buttons to talk with a rep rather than a 45 minute or more wait with Tangerine.
10:13 am
April 30, 2022

Alexandra said
In order to even things out a bit, I purchased a 3yr GIC @4.05% with Oaken two days ago. Today the 3yr term went up to 4.10%. So I called to request they up my new GIC to the 4.10%. She said they would automatically put it up to that rate as long as I purchased the GIC on the 4th of May or later. So that is nice to know.
I love this about Oaken. They even give a warning when rates are falling. Honestly, the only thing about Oaken that is a bit frustrating is they don't have registered savings account. I understand why they don't, but hopefully (at least for me) this will change.
10:30 am
January 12, 2019

turquoise said
I love this about Oaken. They even give a warning when rates are falling. Honestly, the only thing about Oaken that is a bit frustrating is they don't have registered savings account. I understand why they don't, but hopefully (at least for me) this will change.
I've been asking Oaken for over three (3) years now, why they don't have registered SA's, but they Never answer the question. All they always say in reply is; "We're working on it".
So Turquoise ... please tell us what you know about why they don't have registered SA's. Please fill us in on what you know, that Oaken won't disclose.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
10:43 am
April 30, 2022

Dean said
So Turquoise ... please tell us what you know about why they don't have registered SA's. Please fill us in on what you know, that Oaken won't disclose.Dean
I know nothing! I should have said "I believe that I understand."
And this belief is that Oaken has decided that, for now, it doesn't need to offer registered savings accounts to attract the deposits it wants or requires. There are apparently enough people who are willing to lock in their money for 1-5 years. Oaken is usually around or near the top.
Not very profound, I know. But I honestly don't think there's more to it.
But if you do manage to convince them to add these accounts, I'll send you a lovely gift in the mail
10:53 am
January 12, 2019

12:53 pm
February 7, 2019

turquoise said
...and if I did, I wouldn't be able to tell you because thugs from Oaken wearing tracksuits would "pay me a visit"
Pink track suits and purple shoes ...
That would go well with my first car ... A used black Packard hearse with a purple interior and a straight eight ... "Fill the oil, check the gas" at every service station ...
Please write your comments in the forum.